The Subversion Handbook

Short Contents

Table of Contents

Node:Top, Next:, Up:(dir)

This manual is a general guide to the Subversion revision control system.

Node:Getting Started, Next:, Previous:Top, Up:Top

Getting Started

How to get started with Subversion.

Node:Introduction, Next:, Up:Getting Started


A Revision Control System

Subversion is a free/open-source revision control system.

That is, Subversion manages files over time. The files are placed into a central repository. The repository is much like an ordinary file server, except that it remembers every change ever made to your files. This allows you to recover older versions of your files, or browse the history of how your files changed. Many people think of a revision control system as a sort of "time machine."

Some revision control systems are also software configuration management (SCM) systems. These systems are specifically tailored to manage trees of source code, and have many features that are specific to software development (such as natively understanding programming languages). Subversion, however, is not one of these systems; it is a general system that can be used to manage any sort of collection of files, including source code.


Subversion aims to be the successor to CVS (

At the time of writing, CVS is the standard Free revision control system used by the open-source community. It has a hard-earned, well-deserved reputation as stable and useful software, and has a design that makes it perfect for open-source development. However, it also has a number of problems that are difficult to fix.

Subversion's original designers settled on a few simple goals. First, it was decided that Subversion should be a functional replacement for CVS. That is, it should do everything that CVS does, preserving the same development model while fixing the most obvious flaws. Secondly, with existing CVS users as the first target audience, Subversion should be written such that any CVS user should be able to start using it with little effort.

Collabnet ( provided the initial funding in 2000 to begin development work, and the effort has now blossomed into a large, open-source project backed by a community of free software developers.


The intended audience of this book is anyone who has used a revision control system before, although perhaps not Subversion or CVS. It assumes that the reader is computer-literate, and reasonably comfortable at a Unix command-line.

People familiar with CVS may want to skip some of the introductory sections that describe Subversion's concurrent versioning model. Also, there is a quick guide for CVS users attached as an appendix (See SVN for CVS users.)


What sort of things does Subversion do better than CVS? Here's a short list to whet your appetite:

Node:Design, Next:, Previous:Introduction, Up:Getting Started


Subversion has a modular design; it's implemented as a collection of C libraries. Each layer has a well-defined purpose and interface.

If you aren't interested in how Subversion works under the hood, feel free to skip this section and move on to Installation and Basics.

Here's a helpful diagram of Subversion's layers. Program flow begins at the top of the diagram (initiated by the user) and flows "downward."

                    | commandline or GUI |
                    |    client app      |
         +----------+--------------------+----------+ <=== Client interface
         |              Client Library              |
         |                                          |
         |        +----+                            |
         |        |    |                            |
 +-------+--------+    +--------------+--+----------+ <=== Network interface
 | Working Copy   |    |    Remote    |  | Local    |
 | Management lib |    | Repos Access |  | Repos    |
 +----------------+    +--------------+  | Access   |
                       |     neon     |  |          |
                       +--------------+  |          |
                          ^              |          |
                         /               |          |
                   DAV  /                |          |
                       /                 |          |
                      v                  |          |
              +---------+                |          |
              |         |                |          |
              | Apache  |                |          |
              |         |                |          |
              +---------+                |          |
              | mod_DAV |                |          |
            +-------------+              |          |
            | mod_DAV_SVN |              |          |
 +----------+-------------+--------------+----------+ <=== Filesystem interface
 |                                                  |
 |               Subversion Filesystem              |
 |                                                  |


The Subversion Filesystem is not a kernel-level filesystem that one would install in an operating system (like the Linux ext2 or NTFS), but a virtual filesystem. It is implemented as library which exports a C API that simulates a filesystem - specifically, a "versioned" filesystem - but uses a database system for the back-end storage mechanism.

This means that writing a program to access the repository is like writing against other filesystem APIs: you can open files and directories for reading and writing as usual. The main difference is that this particular filesystem never loses data when written to; old versions of files and directories are always saved as historical artifacts.

Currently, the database system in use is BerkeleyDB, which provides other nice features that Subversion needs: data integrity, atomic writes, recoverability, and hot backups.

Network Layer

Subversion has the mark of Apache all over it. At its very core, the client uses the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library. This means that the Subversion client compiles and runs anywhere Apache httpd does - right now, this list includes all flavors of Unix, Win32, BeOS, OS/2, Mac OS X, and possibly Netware.

However, Subversion depends on more than just APR - the Subversion "server" is Apache httpd itself. Apache httpd is a time-tested, extensible open-source server process that is ready for serious use. It can sustain a high network load, runs on many platforms, and can operate through firewalls. It can use a number of different authentication protocols and do network pipelining and caching. By using Apache as a server, Subversion gets all these features for free.

Subversion uses WebDAV as its network protocol. DAV (Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is a whole discussion in itself (see - but in short, it's an extension to HTTP that allows reads/writes and "versioning" of files over the web. The Subversion project is hoping to ride a slowly rising tide of support for this protocol: all of the latest file-browsers for Win32, MacOS, and GNOME speak this protocol already. Interoperability will (hopefully) become more and more of a boon over time.

For users who simply wish to access Subversion repositories on their local disk, the client can do this too; no network is required. The "Repository Access" layer (RA) is an abstract API implemented by both the DAV and local-access RA libraries. This is a specific benefit of writing a "librarized" revision control system - if you feel like writing a new network protocol for Subversion, just write a new library that implements the RA API.

Client Libraries

On the client side, the Subversion "working copy" library maintains administrative information within special .svn subdirectories, similar in purpose to the CVS administrative directories found in CVS working copies.

A glance inside the typical .svn directory turns up a bit more than what CVS maintains in its administrative directories, however. The `entries' file contains XML which describes the current state of the working copy directory (and which basically serves the purposes of CVS's Entries, Root, and Repository files combined). But other items present (and not found in CVS) include storage locations for the versioned "properties" (the metadata mentioned in "Subversion Features" above) and private caches of pristine versions of each file. This latter feature provides the ability to report local modifications - and do reversions - without network access. Authentication data is also stored within .svn/, rather than in a single .cvspass-like file.

The Subversion "client" library has the broadest responsibility; its job is to mingle the functionality of the working-copy library with that of the repository-access library, and then to provide a highest-level API to any application that wishes to perform general revision control actions.1

The client library is designed to be used by any application. While the Subversion source code includes a standard command-line client, it should be very easy to write any number of GUI clients on top of the client library.

Node:Installation, Next:, Previous:Design, Up:Getting Started


### Somebody please write this. It should describe how to fetch various binary packages of Subversion for different platforms. Maybe this will flesh out once RPMs, .debs, and BSD ports are widely available from standard locations?

To build from source code, See Compiling and installing.

Node:Basics, Previous:Installation, Up:Getting Started


If you're an existing CVS user, then the first section, The Subversion Development Model, should already be familiar. You may just want to skim it quickly, noting the special definition of "Revision" in the second subsection. At some point, you should probably also read the appendix which describes fundamental differences between CVS and SVN (See SVN for CVS users.)

Node:The Subversion Development Model, Next:, Up:Basics

The Subversion Development Model

Node:Working Directories and Repositories, Next:, Up:The Subversion Development Model
Working Directories and Repositories

Suppose you are using Subversion to manage a software project. There are two things you will interact with: your working directory, and the repository.

Your working directory is an ordinary directory tree, on your local system, containing your project's sources. You can edit these files and compile your program from them in the usual way. Your working directory is your own private work area: Subversion never changes the files in your working directory, or publishes the changes you make there, until you explicitly tell it to do so.

After you've made some changes to the files in your working directory, and verified that they work properly, Subversion provides commands to publish your changes to the other people working with you on your project. If they publish their own changes, Subversion provides commands to incorporate those changes into your working directory.

A working directory contains some extra files, created and maintained by Subversion, to help it carry out these commands. In particular, these files help Subversion recognize which files contain unpublished changes, and which files are out-of-date with respect to others' work.

While your working directory is for your use alone, the repository is the common public record you share with everyone else working on the project. To publish your changes, you use Subversion to put them in the repository. (What this means, exactly, we explain below.) Once your changes are in the repository, others can tell Subversion to incorporate your changes into their working directories. In a collaborative environment like this, each user will typically have their own working directory (or perhaps more than one), and all the working directories will be backed by a single repository, shared amongst all the users.

A Subversion repository holds a single directory tree, and records the history of changes to that tree. The repository retains enough information to recreate any prior state of the tree, compute the differences between any two prior trees, and report the relations between files in the tree -- which files are derived from which other files.

A Subversion repository can hold the source code for several projects; usually, each project is a subdirectory in the tree. In this arrangement, a working directory will usually correspond to a particular subtree of the repository.

For example, suppose you have a repository laid out like this:


In other words, the repository's root directory has a single subdirectory named trunk, which itself contains two subdirectories: paint and write.

To get a working directory, you must check out some subtree of the repository. If you check out /trunk/write, you will get a working directory like this:

This working directory is a copy of the repository's /trunk/write directory, with one additional entry -- .svn -- which holds the extra information needed by Subversion, as mentioned above.

Suppose you make changes to search.c. Since the .svn directory remembers the file's modification date and original contents, Subversion can tell that you've changed the file. However, Subversion does not make your changes public until you explicitly tell it to.

To publish your changes, you can use Subversion's commit command:

$ pwd
$ ls -a
.svn/    Makefile   document.c    search.c
$ svn commit search.c

Now your changes to search.c have been committed to the repository; if another user checks out a working copy of /trunk/write, they will see your text.

Suppose you have a collaborator, Felix, who checked out a working directory of /trunk/write at the same time you did. When you commit your change to search.c, Felix's working copy is left unchanged; Subversion only modifies working directories at the user's request.

To bring his working directory up to date, Felix can use the Subversion update command. This will incorporate your changes into his working directory, as well as any others that have been committed since he checked it out.

$ pwd
$ ls -a
.svn/    Makefile    document.c    search.c
$ svn update
U search.c

The output from the svn update command indicates that Subversion updated the contents of search.c. Note that Felix didn't need to specify which files to update; Subversion uses the information in the .svn directory, and further information in the repository, to decide which files need to be brought up to date.

We explain below what happens when both you and Felix make changes to the same file.

Node:Transactions and Revision Numbers, Next:, Previous:Working Directories and Repositories, Up:The Subversion Development Model
Transactions and Revision Numbers

A Subversion commit operation can publish changes to any number of files and directories as a single atomic transaction. In your working directory, you can change files' contents, create, delete, rename and copy files and directories, and then commit the completed set of changes as a unit.

In the repository, each commit is treated as an atomic transaction: either all the commit's changes take place, or none of them take place. Subversion tries to retain this atomicity in the face of program crashes, system crashes, network problems, and other users' actions. We may call a commit a transaction when we want to emphasize its indivisible nature.

Each time the repository accepts a transaction, this creates a new state of the tree, called a revision. Each revision is assigned a unique natural number, one greater than the number of the previous revision. The initial revision of a freshly created repository is numbered zero, and consists of an empty root directory.

Unlike those of many other systems, Subversion's revision numbers apply to an entire tree, not individual files. Each revision number selects an entire tree.

It's important to note that working directories do not always correspond to any single revision in the repository; they may contain files from several different revisions. For example, suppose you check out a working directory from a repository whose most recent revision is 4:


At the moment, this working directory corresponds exactly to revision 4 in the repository. However, suppose you make a change to search.c, and commit that change. Assuming no other commits have taken place, your commit will create revision 5 of the repository, and your working directory will look like this:

Suppose that, at this point, Felix commits a change to document.c, creating revision 6. If you use svn update to bring your working directory up to date, then it will look like this:
Felix's changes to document.c will appear in your working copy of that file, and your change will still be present in search.c. In this example, the text of Makefile is identical in revisions 4, 5, and 6, but Subversion will mark your working copy with revision 6 to indicate that it is still current. So, after you do a clean update at the root of your working directory, your working directory will generally correspond exactly to some revision in the repository.

Node:How Working Directories Track the Repository, Next:, Previous:Transactions and Revision Numbers, Up:The Subversion Development Model
How Working Directories Track the Repository

For each file in a working directory, Subversion records two essential pieces of information:

Given this information, by talking to the repository, Subversion can tell which of the following four states a file is in:

The subversion status command will show you the state of any item in your working copy. See Basic Work Cycle, in particular the subsection "Examine your changes".

Node:Subversion Does Not Lock Files, Previous:How Working Directories Track the Repository, Up:The Subversion Development Model
Subversion Does Not Lock Files

Subversion does not prevent two users from making changes to the same file at the same time. For example, if both you and Felix have checked out working directories of /trunk/write, Subversion will allow both of you to change write/search.c in your working directories. Then, the following sequence of events will occur:

Some revision control systems provide "locks", which prevent others from changing a file once one person has begun working on it. In our experience, merging is preferable to locks, because:

Of course, the merge process needs to be under the users' control. Contextual, line-by-line patching is not appropriate for files with rigid formats, like images or executables. Subversion attempts to notice when a file is in a binary format, or is of any mime-type other than text/*. For these rigid-format files, Subversion simply presents you with the two original texts to choose from. See Basic Work Cycle, in particular the subsection "Merge others' changes".

Node:Quick Walkthrough, Previous:The Subversion Development Model, Up:Basics

Quick Walkthrough

The previous section gave an abstract overview of the Subversion development model. Here's an opportunity to play with Subversion in some hands-on examples. The Subversion commands demoed here are just small examples of what Subversion can do; see Chapter 2 for full explanations of each.

Node:Make a repository, Next:, Up:Quick Walkthrough
Make a repository

The Subversion client has an abstract interface for accessing a repository. Two "Repository Access" (RA) implementations currently exist as libraries. You can see which methods are available to your svn client like so:

$ svn --version
Subversion Client, version N
compiled Jan 26 2002, 16:43:58

Copyright (C) 2000-2002 CollabNet.
Subversion is open source software, see

The following repository access (RA) modules are available:

* ra_dav : Module for accessing a repository via WebDAV (DeltaV) protocol.
     - handles 'http' schema
* ra_local : Module for accessing a repository on local disk.
     - handles 'file' schema

If you don't see ra_local, it probably means that Berkeley DB (or relevant database back-end) wasn't found when compiling your client binary. To continue with these examples, you'll need to have ra_local available.

Start by creating a new, empty repository using the svnadmin tool:

$ svnadmin create myrepos

Let's assume you have a directory someproject which contains files that you wish to place under version control:


Once the repository exists, you can initially import your data into it, using the ra_local access method (invoked by using a "file" URL):

$ svn import file:///absolute/path/to/myrepos someproject myproj
Committed revision 1.

The example above creates a new directory myproj in the root of the repository's filesystem, and copies all the data from someproject into it.

Node:Make some working copies, Previous:Make a repository, Up:Quick Walkthrough
Make some working copies

Now check out a fresh "working copy" of your project. To do this, we specify a URL to the exact directory within the repository that we want. The parameter after the URL allows us to name the working copy we check out.

$ svn co file:///usr/local/svn/repos/myproj wc
A  wc/foo
A  wc/bar
A  wc/baz
A  wc/baz/gloo
A  wc/baz/bloo

Now we have a working copy in a local directory called wc, which represents the location /myproj in the repository (assuming the repository's root is <file:///usr/local/svn/repos>.)

For the sake of example, let's duplicate the working copy, and pretend it belongs to someone else:

$ cp -R wc wc2

From here, let's make some changes within our original working copy:

$ cd wc
$ echo "new text" >> bar       # change bar's text
$ svn propset color green foo  # add a metadata property to foo
$ svn rm baz                   # schedule baz directory for deletion
$ touch newfile
$ svn add newfile              # schedule newfile for addition

That's a lot of changes! If we were to leave and come back tomorrow, how could we remember what changes we'd made? Easy. The status command will show us all of the "local modifications" in our working copy:

$ svn status                   # See what's locally modified
M   ./bar
_M  ./foo
A   ./newfile
D   ./baz
D   ./baz/gloo
D   ./baz/bloo

According to this output, three items are scheduled to be (D)eleted from the repository, one item is scheduled to be (A)dded to the repository, and two items have had their contents (M)odified in some way. For more details, be sure to read about svn status in Chapter 2.

Now we decide to commit our changes, creating Revision 2 in the repository:

$ svn commit -m "fixed bug #233"
Sending    bar
Sending    foo
Adding     newfile
Deleting   baz
Transmitting data...
Committed revision 2.

The -m argument is a way of specifying a log message: that is, a specific description of your change-set sent to the repository. The log message is now attached to Revision 2. A future user might peruse repository log messages, and now will know what your Revision 2 changes were for.

Finally, pretend that you are now Felix, or some other collaborator. If you go wc2 (that other working copy you made), it will need the svn update command to receive the Revision 2 changes:

   $ cd ../wc2                # change to the back-up working copy

   $ svn update               # get changes from repository
   U   ./bar
   _U  ./foo
   A   ./newfile
   D   ./baz

The output of the svn update command tells Felix that baz was (D)eleted from his working copy, newfile was (A)dded to his working copy, and that bar and foo had their contents (U)pdated.

If for some reason bar contained some local changes made by Felix, then the server changes would be merged into bar: that is, bar would now contain both sets of changes. Whenever server changes are merged into a locally-modified file, two possible things can happen:

Node:Client Cookbook, Next:, Previous:Getting Started, Up:Top

Client Cookbook

How to make a lovely gumbo with your Subversion client, in 11 easy steps.

This chapter goes into more of the gritty details of client commands. For a first overview of the client's CVS-like "copy-modify-merge" model of development, See Basics.

Before reading on, here is the most important piece of information you'll ever need when using Subversion: svn help. The Subversion command-line client tries to be self-documenting; at any time, a quick svn help <subcommand> will describe the syntax, switches, and behavior of subcommand.

This chapter by no means covers every option to every client subcommand. Instead, it's a conversational introduction to the most common tasks you'll encounter. When in doubt, run svn help.

Node:Checkout, Next:, Up:Client Cookbook


Most of the time, you will start using a Subversion repository by doing a checkout of your project. "Checking out" will provide you with a local copy of the HEAD (latest revision) of the Subversion repository that you checked out.

$ svn co
A  trunk/subversion.dsw
A  trunk/svn_check.dsp
A  trunk/
A  trunk/IDEAS
Checked out revision 2499.

Although the above example checks out the trunk directory, you can just as easily checkout any deep subdirectory of a repository by specifying the subdirectory in the checkout URL:

$ svn co
A  handbook/svn-handbook.texi
A  handbook/getting_started.texi
A  handbook/outline.txt
A  handbook/license.texi
A  handbook/repos_admin.texi
A  handbook/client.texi
Checked out revision 2499.

Since Subversion uses a "copy-modify-merge" model instead of "lock-modify-unlock," you're now ready to start making changes to the files that you've checked out, known collectively as your working copy. You can even delete the entire working copy and forget about it entirely - there's no need to notify the Subversion server unless you're ready to check in changes, a new file, or even a directory.

Every directory in a working copy contains an administrative area, a subdirectory named .svn. Normal ls commands won't show this subdirectory, but it's vital. Whatever you do, don't delete or change anything in the administrative area! Subversion depends on it to manage your working copy.

You can run svn help checkout for command line options to checkout, although one option is very common and worth mentioning: you can specify a directory after your repository url. This places your working copy into a new directory that you name. For example:

$ svn co subv
A  subv/subversion.dsw
A  subv/svn_check.dsp
A  subv/
A  subv/IDEAS
Checked out revision 2499.

Node:Basic Work Cycle, Next:, Previous:Checkout, Up:Client Cookbook

Basic Work Cycle

Subversion has numerous features, options, bells and whistles, but on a day-to-day basis, odds are that you will only use a few of them. In this section we'll run through the most common things that you might find yourself doing with Subversion in the course of a day's work.

The typical work cycle looks like this:

Update your working copy (svn up)

When working on a project with a team, you'll want to update your working copy: that is, receive any changes from other developers on the project. svn update brings your working copy in-sync with the latest revision in the repository.

$ svn up
U  ./foo.c
U  ./bar.c
Updated to revision 2.

In this case, someone else checked in modifications to both foo.c and bar.c since the last time you updated, and Subversion has updated your working copy to include those changes.

Let's examine the output of svn update a bit more. When the server sends changes to your working copy, a letter code is displayed next to each item:

U foo
File foo was (U)pdated (received changes from the server.)
A foo
File or directory foo was (A)dded to your working copy.
D foo
File or directory foo was (D)eleted from your working copy.
R foo
File or directory foo was (R)eplaced in your working copy; that is, foo was deleted, and a new item with the same name was added. While they may have the same name, the repository considers them to be distinct objects with distinct histories.
G foo
File foo received new changes, but also had changes of your own to begin with. The changes did not intersect, however, so Subversion has mer(G)ed the repository's changes into the file without a problem.
C foo
File foo received (C)onflicting changes from the server. The changes from the server directly overlap your own changes to the file. No need to panic, though. This overlap needs to be resolved by a human (you); we discuss this situation further down.

Make changes (svn add, svn rm, svn cp, svn mv)

Now you can to get to work and make changes in your working copy. It's usually most convenient to create a "task" for yourself, such as writing a new feature, fixing a bug, etc.

What kinds of changes can you make to your working copy tree?

File changes
This is the simplest sort of change. Unlike other revision control systems, you don't need to tell Subversion that you intend to change a file; just do it. Later on, Subversion will be able to automatically detect which files have been changed.
Tree changes
You can ask Subversion to "mark" files and directories for scheduled removal or addition. Of course, no additions or removals will happen in the repository until you decide to commit.

To make file changes, just use your normal editor, word processor, or whatever. A file needn't be in text-format; binary files work just fine.

There are at least four Subversion subcommands for making tree changes. Detailed help can be found with svn help, but here is an overview:

svn add foo
Schedule foo to be added to the repository. When you next commit, foo will become a permanent child of its parent directory. Note that if foo is a directory, only the directory itself will be scheduled for addition. If you want to add its contents as well, pass the --recursive switch.
svn rm foo
Schedule foo to be removed from the repository. If foo is a file, it immediately vanishes from the working copy - but it can be recovered with svn revert (see below). If foo is a directory, it is merely scheduled for deletion. After you commit, foo will no longer exist in the working copy or repository.
svn cp foo bar
Create new item bar as a duplicate of foo. bar is automatically scheduled for addition. When bar is added to the repository on the next commit, it's copy-history is recorded (as having originally come from foo.)
svn mv foo bar
This command is exactly the same as running svn cp foo bar; svn rm foo. That is, bar is scheduled for addition as a copy of foo, and foo is scheduled for removal.

Let's ammend our original statement: there are some use-cases that immediately commit tree changes to the repository. This usually happens when a subcommand is operating directly on a URL, rather than on a working-copy path. (In particular, specific uses of svn mkdir, svn cp, svn mv, and svn rm can work with URLs. See svn help on these commands for more details.)

Examine your changes (svn status, svn diff, svn revert)

So now you've finished your changes... or so you think. But what exactly did you change? How can you review them?

Subversion has been optimized to help you with this task, and is able to do many things without talking to the repository or network at all. In particular, your working copy contains a secret cached "pristine" copy of each file within the .svn area. Because of this, it can quickly show you how your working files have changed, or even allow you to undo your changes.

The svn status command is your friend; become intimate with it. You'll probably use svn status more than any other command.

If you run svn status at the top of your working copy with no arguments, it will detect all file and tree changes you've made. This example is designed to show all the different status codes that svn status can return. The text in [] is not printed by svn status.

$ svn status
_ L    ./abc.c               [svn has a lock in its .svn directory for abc.c]
M      ./bar.c               [the content in bar.c has local modifications]
_M     ./baz.c               [baz.c has property but no content modifications]
?      ./foo.o               [svn doesn't manage foo.o]
!      ./foo.c               [svn knows foo.c but a non-svn program deleted it]
~      ./qux                 [versioned as dir, but is file, or vice versa]
A  +   ./moved_dir           [added with history of where it came from]
M  +   ./moved_dir/README    [added with history and has local modifications]
D      ./stuff/fish.c        [this file is scheduled for deletion]
A      ./stuff/things/bloo.h [this file is scheduled for addition]

In this output format svn status prints four columns of characters followed by several whitespace characters followed by a file or directory name. The first column tells the status of a file or directory and/or its contents. The codes printed here are

_ file_or_dir
The file or directory has not been added or deleted, nor has file_or_dir's contents been modified if it is a file.
A file_or_dir
The file or directory file_or_dir has been scheduled for addition into the repository.
M file
The contents of file file have been modified.
D file_or_dir
The file or directory file_or_dir has been scheduled for deletion from the repository.
? file_or_dir
The file or directory file_or_dir indicates that this file or directory is not under revision control. You can silence the question marks by either passing the --quiet (-q) option to svn status, or by setting the svn:ignore property on the parent directory, See Properties.
! file_or_dir
The file or directory file_or_dir is under revision control but the working copy is missing. This happens if the file or directory is removed using a non-Subversion command. A quick svn up or svn revert file_or_dir will restore the missing file from its cached pristine copy.
~ file_or_dir
The file or directory file_or_dir is under revision control as one kind of object, but what's actually on disk is some other kind. For example, Subversion might be expecting a file, but the user has removed the file and created a directory in its place, without using the svn rm nor svn add commands.

The second column tells the status of a file's or directory's properties, See Properties. If a M appears in the second column, then the properties have been modified, otherwise a whitespace will be printed. If only the properties of a file or directory are modified, then you will get _M printed in the first and second columns. The first _ is just printed to make it clear to the eye that the properties are modified and not the contents.

The third column will only show whitespace or a L which means that svn has locked item locked in the .svn working area. You will see L if you run svn status in a directory you are currently running svn commit when you are editing the log message. If there are no running svn's, then presumably svn was forcibly quit or died and the lock needs to be cleaned up by running svn cleanup. Locks typically appear if a Subversion command is interrupted before completion.

The forth column will only show whitespace or a + which means that the file or directory is scheduled to be added or modified with additional attached history. This typically happens when you svn mv or svn cp a file or directory. If you see A +, this means the item is scheduled for addition-with-history. It could be a file, or the root of a copied directory. _ + means the item is part of a subtree scheduled for addition-with-history, i.e. some parent got copied, and it's just coming along for the ride. M + means the item is part of a subtree scheduled for addition-with-history, and it has local mods. When you commit, first some parent will be added-with-history (copied), which means this file will automatically exist in the copy. Then the local mods will be further uploaded into the copy.

By default, svn status ignores files matching the regular expressions *.o, *.lo, *.la, #*#, *.rej, *~, and .#*. If you want additional files ignored, set the svn:ignore property on the parent directory. If you want to see the status of all the files in the repository irrespective of svn status and svn:ignore's regular expressions, then use the --no-ignore command line option.

If a single path is passed to the command, it will tell you about it:

$ svn status stuff/fish.c
D      stuff/fish.c

This command also has a --verbose (-v) mode, which will show you the status of every item in your working copy:

$ svn status -v
M               44        23    joe       ./README
_               44        30    frank     ./INSTALL
M               44        20    frank     ./bar.c
_               44        18    joe       ./stuff
_               44        35    mary      ./stuff/trout.c
D               44        19    frank     ./stuff/fish.c
_               44        21    mary      ./stuff/things
A                0         ?     ?        ./stuff/things/bloo.h
_               44        36    joe       ./stuff/things/gloo.c

This is the "long form" output of svn status. The first column is still the same. The second column shows the working-revision of the item. The third and fourth column show the revision in which the item last changed, and who changed it.

Finally, there is a --show-updates (-u) switch, which contacts the repository and adds information about things that are out-of-date:

$ svn status -u -v
M      *        44        23    joe       ./README
M               44        20    frank     ./bar.c
_      *        44        35    mary      ./stuff/trout.c
D               44        19    frank     ./stuff/fish.c
A                0         ?     ?        ./stuff/things/bloo.h

Notice the two asterisks: if you were to run svn up at this point, you would receive changes to README and trout.c. Hmmm, better be careful. You'll need to absorb those server-changes on README before you commit, lest the repository reject your commit for being out-of-date. (More on this subject below.)

Another way to examine your changes is with the svn diff command. You can find out exactly how you've modified things by running svn diff with no arguments, which prints out file changes in unified diff format:

$ svn diff
Index: ./bar.c
--- ./bar.c
+++ ./bar.c	Mon Jul 15 17:58:18 2002
@ -1,7 +1,12 @
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>

 int main(void) {
-  printf("Sixty-four slices of American Cheese...\n");
+  printf("Sixty-five slices of American Cheese...\n");
   return 0;

Index: ./README
--- ./README
+++ ./README	Mon Jul 15 17:58:18 2002
@ -193,3 +193,4 @
+Note to self:  pick up laundry.

Index: ./stuff/fish.c
--- ./stuff/fish.c
+++ ./stuff/fish.c  Mon Jul 15 17:58:18 2002
-Welcome to the file known as 'fish'.
-Information on fish will be here soon.

Index: ./stuff/things/bloo.h
--- ./stuff/things/bloo.h
+++ ./stuff/things/bloo.h  Mon Jul 15 17:58:18 2002
+Here is a new file to describe
+things about bloo.

The svn diff command produces this output by comparing your working files against the cached "pristine" copies within the .svn area. Files scheduled for addition are displayed as all added-text, and files scheduled for deletion are displayed as all deleted text.

Now suppose you see this output, and realize that your changes to README are a mistake; perhaps you accidentally typed that text into the wrong file in your editor.

The svn revert command is exactly for this purpose. It throws away all changes to your file:

$ svn revert README
Reverted ./README

The file is reverted to its pre-modified state by overwriting it with the cached "pristine" copy. But also note that svn revert can undo any scheduled operations - in case you decide that you don't want to add a new file after all, or that you don't want to remove something.

A final reminder: all three of these commands (svn status, svn diff, svn revert) can be used without any network access (except for the -u switch to status). This makes it easy to manage your changes-in-progress while traveling on an airplane, etc.

Merge others' changes (conflict resolution)

We've already seen how svn status -u can predict conflicts. Suppose you run svn update and some interesting things occur:

$ svn up
C  ./bar.c

The U and G codes are nothing to sweat about; those files cleanly absorbed changes from the repository. The G stands for mer(G)ed, which means that the file had local changes to begin with, but the repository changes didn't overlap in any way.

But the C stands for conflict. This means that the server's changes overlapped with your own, and now you have to manually choose between them.

Whenever a conflict occurs:

At this point, Subversion will not allow you to commit the file until the three temporary files are removed.

If you get a conflict, you need to either (1) hand-merge the conflicted text (by examining and editing the conflict markers within the file), (2) copy one of the tmpfiles on top of your working file, or (3) run svn revert to toss all of your changes.

Once you've resolved the conflict, you need to let Subversion know by removing the three tmpfiles. (The svn resolve command, by the way, is a shortcut that does nothing but automatically remove the three tmpfiles for you.) When the tmpfiles are gone, Subversion no longer considers the file to be in a state of conflict anymore.

Commit your changes

Finally! Your edits are finished, you've merged all updates from the server, and you're ready to commit your changes.

The svn commit command sends all (or some) of your changes to the repository. When you commit a change, you need to supply a log message, describing your change. Your log message will be permanently attached to the new revision you create.

$ svn commit -m "Added include lines and corrected # of cheese slices."
Sending        bar.c
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 3.

Another way to specify a log message is to place it in a file, and pass the filename with the -F switch. If you fail to specify either the -m or -F switch, then Subversion will automatically launch your favorite $EDITOR for composing a log message.

The repository doesn't know or care if your changes make any sense as a whole; it only checks to make sure that nobody else has changed any of the same files that you did when you weren't looking. If somebody has done that, the entire commit will fail with a message informing that one or more of your files is out-of-date. At this point, you need to run svn update again, deal with any merges or conflicts that result, and attempt your commit again.

That covers the most basic work cycle for using Subversion. Run svn help commandname for help on any of the commands covered in this section.

Node:History, Next:, Previous:Basic Work Cycle, Up:Client Cookbook


As we mentioned earlier, the repository is like a time machine. It remembers every revision ever committed, and allows you to explore this history.

There are two commands that mine historical data from the repository. svn log shows you broad information: log messages attached to revisions, and which paths changed in each revision. svn diff, on the other hand, can show you the specific details of how a file changed over time.

svn log

To find out information about the history of a file or directory, you use the svn log command. svn log will tell you who made changes to a file and at what revision, the time and date of that revision, and the log message that accompanied the commit.

$ svn log
rev 3:  fitz | Mon, 15 Jul 2002 18:03:46 -0500 | 1 line

Added include lines and corrected # of cheese slices.
rev 2:  someguy | Mon, 15 Jul 2002 17:47:57 -0500 | 1 line

Added main() methods.
rev 1:  fitz | Mon, 15 Jul 2002 17:40:08 -0500 | 2 lines

Initial import

Note that the log messages are printed in reverse chronological order by default. If you wish to see a different range of revisions in a particular order, or just a single revision, pass the --revision (-r) switch:

$ svn log -r 5:19
...  # shows logs 5 through 19 in chronological order
$ svn log -r 19:5
...  # shows logs 5 through 19 in reverse order
$ svn log -r 8

You can also examine the log history on a single file or directory. The commands

$ svn log foo.c
$ svn log

will display log messages only for those revisions in which the working file (or URL) changed.

And while we're on the subject, svn log also takes a --verbose (-v) option too; it includes a list of changed-paths in each revision:

$ svn log -r 8 -v
rev 8:  jrandom | 2002-07-14 08:15:29 -0500 | 1 line
Changed paths:
   U /trunk/code/foo.c
   U /trunk/code/bar.h
   A /trunk/code/doc/README

Frozzled the sub-space winch.


svn diff

We've already seen svn diff in an previous section; it displays file differences in unified diff format. Earlier, it was used to show the local modifications made to our working copy.

In fact, it turns out that there are three distinct uses of svn diff:

Examining local changes

Invoking svn diff with no switches will compare your working files to the cached "pristine" copies in the .svn area:

$ svn diff foo
Index: ./foo
--- ./foo
+++ ./foo	Tue Jul 16 15:19:53 2002
@ -1 +1,2 @
 An early version of the file
+...extra edits
Comparing working copy to repository

If a single --revision (-r) number is passed, then your working files are compared to a particular revision in the repository.

$ svn diff -r 3 foo
Index: ./foo
--- ./foo
+++ ./foo	Tue Jul 16 15:19:53 2002
@ -1,2 +1,2 @
 An early version of the file
-Second version of the file
+...extra edits
Comparing repository to repository

If two revision numbers are passed via -r, then the two revisions are directly compared.

$ svn diff -r 2:3 foo

Index: ./foo
--- ./foo
+++ tmp.280.00001	Tue Jul 16 15:22:19 2002
@ -1 +1,2 @
 An early version of the file
+Second version of the file

If you read the help for svn diff, you'll discover that you can supply URLs instead of working copy paths as well. This is especially useful if you wish to inspect changes when you have no working copy available:

$ svn diff -r 23:24

Node:Branches and Tags, Next:, Previous:History, Up:Client Cookbook

Branches and Tags

Branches and tags are general concepts common to almost all revision control systems. If you're not familiar with these ideas, you can find a good introductory explanation in Karl Fogel's free CVS book:

At this point, you should understand how each commit creates an entire new filesystem tree in the repository. (If not, read about revisions, See Transactions and Revision Numbers, or See Revision numbers are different now.)

As you may have suspected, the filesystem doesn't grow 652 new inodes each time a new revision is created. Instead, each new tree is mostly made of pointers to already-existing nodes; new nodes are created only for changed items, and all the rest of the revision tree is "shared storage" with other revision trees. This technique demonstrates how the filesystem is able to make "cheap copies" of things. These cheap copies are nothing more than directory entries that point to existing nodes. And this is the basis of tags and branches.

Branching with svn cp

Suppose we have a repository whose head tree is revision 82. In this repository is a subdirectory mooIRC that contains a software project that is ready to be tagged. How do we tag it? Very simple: make a "cheap" copy of this directory. In other words, create a new directory entry (somewhere else in the filesystem) that points to this specific node that represents directory mooIRC in revision 82. Of course, you can name the new directory entry whatever you want - probably a tag-name like mooIRC-beta.

The easiest way to make this copy is with svn cp, which, incidentally, can operate entirely on URLs, so that the copy happens only on the server-side:

$ svn cp \
Committed revision 83.

Now, as long as you never touch the contents of the directory mooIRC-beta, that entry will forever point to a node that looks the way mooIRC did at a specific moment in time (however it looked in revision 82). And that's exactly what a tag is.

But suppose mooIRC-beta isn't sacred, and instead you decide to start making commits to it. And suppose you also continue to make commits in the original mooIRC directory. Then you have two directories that started out looking identical - their common ancestor was mooIRC in revision 82 - but now have diverged their contents over time. In other words, they represent different branches of the project.

It's very important to note that the Subversion filesystem is not aware of "tags" or "branches." It's only aware of directories, and all directories are equal. The tag and branch concepts are purely human meanings attached to particular directories.

For this reason, it's up to users (and the Subversion repository administrator) to choose sane policies that help elucidate these labels. For example, here's a good way to lay out your repository:


Each time /projectA/trunk reaches a taggable state, make a copy of the directory somewhere in /projectA/tags/, and set the copy to read-only. Use the same procedure to create a branch in /projectA/branches/.

An alternate way to lay out a repository:


Or, of course, you could just place each project into a dedicated repository. It's up to you. For examples on how to create a repository with one of these structures, See Creating a repository.

Switching to a branch with svn switch

The svn switch command allows you to "move" some or all of your working copy to a branch or tag. For example, suppose I have a working copy of mooIRC, and I'd like to work on some subsystem as it appears in a subdirectory of mooIRC-beta. At the same time, I want the rest my working copy to remain on the original mooIRC branch. To do this, I switch the appropriate subdir to the new branch location:

$ svn switch \

U  mooIRC/subsystems/renderer/foo.c
U  mooIRC/subsystems/renderer/bar.h
U  mooIRC/subsystems/renderer/baz.c

Now my working copy of the renderer subdirectory represents a different location on the server.

Really, svn switch is just a fancier version of svn update. Whereas svn update has the ability to move your working copy through time (either by updating to the latest revision, or by updating to a specific revision given with -r), svn switch is able to move your working copy through time and space.

If your working copy contains a number of "switched" subtrees from different repository locations, it continues to function as normal. When you update, you'll receive patches to each subtree as appropriate. When you commit, your local changes will still be applied as a single, atomic change to the repository.

Moving changes with svn merge

Suppose a team of programmers working on the mooIRC-beta branch have fixed a critical bug, and the team working on the original mooIRC branch would like to apply that change as well.

The svn merge command is the answer. You can think of svn merge as a special kind of svn diff; only instead of displaying unified diffs to the screen, it applies the differences to your working copy as if they were local changes.

For example, suppose the bug fix happened in a commit to the mooIRC-beta branch in revision 102.

$ svn diff -r 101:102

...   # diffs sent to screen

$ svn merge -r 101:102 mooIRC
U   mooIRC/glorb.c
U   mooIRC/src/floo.h

While the output of svn merge looks similar to svn update or svn switch, it is in fact only applying temporary changes to the working files. Once the differences are applied as local changes, you can examine them as usual with svn diff, svn status, or undo them with svn revert as usual. If the changes are acceptable, you can commit them.

Rolling back a change with svn merge

Another common use for svn merge is for rolling back a change that has been committed. Say you commit some changes in revision 10, and later decide that they were a mistake. You can easily revert the tree to the state it was in at revision 9 with an svn merge command.

$ svn commit -m "change some stuff"
Sending        bar.c
Sending        foo.c
Transmitting file data ..
Committed revision 10.

... # developer continues on and realizes he made a mistake

$ svn merge -r 10:9 .
U ./bar.c
U ./foo.c
$ svn commit -m "oops, reverting revision 10"
Sending        bar.c
Sending        foo.c
Transmitting file data ..
Committed revision 11.

If you aren't rolling back the changes to your current directory (say you want to roll back one specific file, or all the files in one specific subdirectory), then the syntax is slightly different, as you have to tell svn merge where it should merge the changes into.

$ svn merge -r 10:9 baz/ baz/
U ./baz/bar.c
U ./baz/foo.c
$ svn commit -m "reverting revision 10's changes in baz/"
Sending        baz/bar.c
Sending        baz/foo.c
Transmitting file data ..
Committed revision 12.

... # developer continues on and later makes another mistake

$ svn merge -r 13:12 baz/foo.c baz/foo.c
U ./baz/foo.c
$ svn commit -m "reverting revision 12's change to foo.c"
Sending        baz/foo.c
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 15.

Keep in mind that rolling back a change like this is just like any other svn merge operation, so you should use svn status and svn diff to confirm that your work is in the state you want it to be in, and then use svn commit to send the final version to the repository.

Vendor branches

Sometimes you want to manage modified third-party source code inside your Subversion repository, while still tracking upstream releases. In CVS this would have been called a "vendor branch". Subversion doesn't have a formal "vendor branch", but it is sufficiently flexible that you can still do much the same thing.

The general procedure goes like this. You create a top level directory (we'll use /vendor) to hold the vendor branches. Then you import the third party code into a subdirectory of /vendor, and copy it into /trunk where you make your local changes. With each new release of the code you are tracking you bring it into the vendor branch and merge the changes into /trunk, resolving whatever conflicts occur between your local changes and the upstream changes.

Let's try and make this a bit clearer with an example.

First, the initial import.

$ svn mkdir http://svnhost/repos/vendor/foobar
$ svn import http://svnhost/repos/vendor/foobar ~/foobar-1.0 current

Now we've got the current version of the foobar project in /vendor/foobar/current. We make another copy of it so we can always refer to that version, and then copy it into the trunk so you can work on it.

$ svn copy http://svnhost/repos/vendor/foobar/current    \
           http://svnhost/repos/vendor/foobar/foobar-1.0 \
           -m `tagging foobar-1.0'
$ svn copy http://svnhost/repos/vendor/foobar/foobar-1.0 \
           http://svnhost/repos/trunk/foobar             \
           -m `bringing foobar-1.0 into trunk'

Now you just check out a copy of /trunk/foobar and get to work!

Later on, the developers at FooBar Widgets, Inc release a new version of their code, so you want to update the version of the code you're using. First, you check out the /vendor/foobar/current directory, then copy the new release over that working copy, handle any renames, additions or removals manually, and then commit.

$ svn co http://svnhost/repos/vendor/foobar/current ~/current
$ cd ~/foobar-1.1
$ tar -cf - . | (cd ~/current ; tar -xf -)
$ cd ~/current
$ mv foobar.c main.c
$ svn mv main.c foobar.c
$ svn rm dead.c
$ svn add doc
$ svn add doc/*
$ svn commit -m `importing foobar 1.1 on vendor branch'

Whoa, that was complicated. Don't worry, most cases are far simpler.

What happened? foobar 1.0 had a file called main.c. This file was renamed to foobar.c in 1.1. So your working-copy had the old main.c which svn knew about, and the new foobar.c which svn did not know about. You rename foobar.c to main.c and svn mv it back to the new name. This way, svn will know that foobar.c is a descendant of main.c. dead.c has vanished in 1.1, and they have finally written some documentation, so you add that.

Next you copy /vendor/foobar/current to /vendor/foobar/foobar-1.1 so you can always refer back to version 1.1, like this.

$ svn copy http://svnhost/repos/vendor/foobar/current    \
           http://svnhost/repos/vendor/foobar/foobar-1.1 \
           -m `tagging foobar-1.1'

Now that you have a pristine copy of foobar 1.1 in /vendor, you just have to merge their changes into /trunk and you're done. That looks like this.

$ svn co http://svnhost/repos/trunk/foobar ~/foobar
$ cd ~/foobar
$ svn merge http://svnhost/repos/vendor/foobar/foobar-1.0 \
... # resolve all the conflicts between their changes and your changes
$ svn commit -m `merging foobar 1.1 into trunk'

There, you're done. You now have a copy of foobar 1.1 with all your local changes merged into it in your tree.

Vendor branches that have more than several deletes, additions and moves can use the script that comes with the Subversion distribution. This script automates the above importing steps to make sure that mistakes are minimized. You still need to use the merge commands to merge the new versions of foobar into your own local copy containing your local modifications.

This script has the following enhancements over svn import:

This script takes care of complications where Subversion requires a commit before renaming a file or directory twice, such as if you had a vendor branch that renamed foobar-1.1/docs/ to foobar-1.2/documents/ Here, you would rename docs to documents, perform a commit, then rename to You could not do the two renames without the commit, because was already moved once from docs/ to documents/

This script always compares the directory being imported to what currently exists in the Subversion repository and takes the necessary steps to add, delete and rename files and directories to make the subversion repository match the imported directory. As such, it can be used on an empty subversion directory for the first import or for any following imports to upgrade a vendor branch.

For the first foobar-1.0 release located in ~/foobar-1.0:

$ -t foobar-1.0                      \
                   http://svnhost/repos/vendor/foobar \
                   current                            \
                   ~/foobar-1.0 takes three mandatory arguments. The first argument, <http://svnhost/repos/vendor/foobar>, is the URL to the base Subversion directory to work in. In this case, we're working in the vendor/foobar part of the Subversion repository. The next argument, current, is relative to the first and is the directory where the current import will take place, in this case <http://svnhost/repos/vendor/foobar/current>. The last argument, ~/foobar-1.0, is the directory to import. Finally, the optional -t command line option is also relative to <http://svnhost/repos/vendor/foobar> and tells to create a tag of the imported directory in <http://svnhost/repos/vendor/foobar/foobar-1.0>.

The import of foobar-1.1 would be taken care of in the same way:

$ -t foobar-1.1                      \
                   http://svnhost/repos/vendor/foobar \
                   current                            \

The script looks in your current <http://svnhost/repos/vendor/foobar/current> directory and sees what changes need to take place for it to match ~/foobar-1.1. The script is kind enough to notice that there are files and directories that exist in 1.0 and not in 1.1 and asks if you want to perform any renames. At this point, you can indicate that main.c was renamed to foobar.c and then indicate that no further renames have taken place.

The script will then delete dead.c and add doc and doc/* to the Subversion repository and finally create a tag foobar-1.1 in <http://svnhost/repos/vendor/foobar/foobar-1.1>.

The script also accepts a separate configuration file for applying properties to specific files and directories matching a regular expression that are added to the repository. This script will not modify properties of already existing files or directories in the repository. This configuration file is specified to using the -p command line option. The format of the file is either two or four columns.

regular_expression control property_name property_value

The regular_expression is a Perl style regular expression. The control column must either be set to break or cont. It is used to tell if the following lines in the configuration file should be examined for a match or if all matching should stop. If control is set to break, then no more lines from the configuration file will be matched. If control is set to cont, which is short for continue, then more comparisons will be made. Multiple properties can be set for one file or directory this way. The last two columns, property_name and property_value are optional and are applied to matching files and directories.

If you have whitespace in any of the regular_expression, property_name or property_value columns, you must surround the value with either a single or double quote. You can protect single or double quotes with a \ character. The \ character is removed by this script only for whitespace or quote characters, so you do not need to protect any other characters, beyond what you would normally protect for the regular expression.

This sample configuration file was used to load on a Unix box a number of Zip files containing Windows files with CRLF end of lines.

   \.doc$              break   svn:mime-type   application/msword
   \.ds(p|w)$          break   svn:eol-style   CRLF
   \.ilk$              break   svn:eol-style   CRLF
   \.ncb$              break   svn:eol-style   CRLF
   \.opt$              break   svn:eol-style   CRLF
   \.exe$              break   svn:mime-type   application/octet-stream
   dos2unix-eol\.sh$   break
   .*                  break   svn:eol-style   native

In this example, all the files should be converted to the native end of line style, which the last line of the configuration handles. The exception is, which contains embedded CR's used to find and replace Windows CRLF end of line characters with Unix's LF characters. Since svn and convert all CR, CRLF and LF's to the native end of line style when svn:eol-style is set to native, this file should be left untouched. Hence, the break with no property settings.

The Windows Visual C++ and Visual Studio files (*.dsp, *.dsw, etc.) should retain their CRLF line endings on any operating system and any *.doc files are always treated as binary files, hence the svn:mime-type setting of application/msword.

Removing a branch or tag with svn rm

The svn rm command can operate on URLs. A file or directory can be "remotely" deleted from the repository, with no working copy present:

$ svn rm -m "deleting bad tag"
Committed revision 1023.

Of course, this is still a form of immediate commit, so some kind of log message is still required.

Enough said!

Node:Properties, Next:, Previous:Branches and Tags, Up:Client Cookbook


Subversion allows you to attach arbitrary "metadata" to files and directories. We refer to this data as properties, and they can be thought of as collections of name/value pairs (hash-tables) attached to each item in your working copy.

To set or get a property on a file or directory, use the svn propset and svn propget commands. To list all properties attached to an item, use svn proplist. To delete a property, use svn propdel.

$ svn propset color green foo.c
property `color' set on 'foo.c'

$ svn propget color foo.c

$ svn propset height "5 feet" foo.c
property `height' set on 'foo.c'

$ svn proplist foo.c
Properties on 'foo.c':

$ svn proplist foo.c --verbose
Properties on 'foo.c':
  height : 5 feet
  color : green

$ svn propdel color foo.c
property `color' deleted from 'foo.c'

Properties are versioned, just like file contents. This means that new properties can be merged into your working files, and can sometimes come into conflict too. Property values need not be text, either. For example, you could attach a binary property-value by using the -F switch:

$ svn propset x-face -F joeface.jpg foo.c
property `x-face' set on 'foo.c'

Subversion also provides a great convenience method for editing existing properties: svn propedit. When you invoke it, Subversion will open the value of the property in question in your favorite editor (or at least the editor that you've defined as $EDITOR in your shell), and you can edit the value just as you would edit any text file. This is exceptionally convenient for properties that are a newline-separated array of values. (See below.)

Property changes are still considered "local modifications", and aren't permanent until you commit. Like textual changes, property changes can be seen by svn diff, svn status, and reverted altogether with svn revert:

$ svn diff
Property changes on: foo.c
Name: color
   + green

$ svn status
_M   foo.c

Notice that a 2nd column has appeared in the status output; the leading underscore indicates that you've not made any textual changes, but the M means you've modified the properties. svn status tries to hide the 2nd "property" column when an item has no properties at all; this was a design choice, to ease new users into the concept. When properties are created, edited, or updated on an item, that 2nd column appears forever after.

Also: don't worry about the non-standard way that Subversion currently displays property differences. You can still run svn diff and redirect the output to create a usable patch file. The patch program will ignore property patches; as a rule, it ignores any noise it can't understand. (In future versions of Subversion, though, we may start using a new patch format that describes property changes and file copies/renames.)

Special properties

Subversion has no particular policy regarding properties; they can be used for any purpose. The only restriction is that Subversion has reserved the svn: name prefix for itself. A number of special "magic" properties begin with this prefix. We'll cover these features here.


This is a file-only property, and can be set to any value. Its mere existence causes a file's permissions to be executable.


At the present time, Subversion examines the svn:mime-type property to decide if a file is text or binary. If the file has no svn:mime-type property, or if the property's value matches text/*, then Subversion assumes it is a text file. If the file has the svn:mime-type property set to anything other than text/*, it assumes the file is binary.

If Subversion believes that the file is binary, it will not attempt to perform contextual merges during updates. Instead, Subversion creates two files side-by-side in your working copy; the one containing your local modifications is renamed with an .orig extension.

Subversion also helps users by running a binary-detection algorithm in the svn import and svn add subcommands. These subcommands try to make a good guess at a file's binary-ness, and then (possibly) set a svn:mime-type property of application/octet-stream on the file being added. (If Subversion guesses wrong, you can always remove or hand-edit the property.)

Finally, if the svn:mime-type property is set, then mod_dav_svn will use it to fill in the Content-type: header when responding to an http GET request. This makes files display more nicely when perusing a repository with a web browser.


If you attach this property to a directory, it causes certain file patterns within the directory to be ignored by svn status. For example, suppose I don't want to see object files or backup files in my status listing:

$ svn status
M  ./foo.c
?  ./foo.o
?  ./foo.c~

Using svn propedit, I would set the value of svn:ignore to a newline-delimited list of patterns:

$ svn propget svn:ignore .

Subversion has the ability to substitute useful strings into special "keywords" within text files. For example, if I placed this text into a file:

Here is the latest report from the front lines.
Cumulus clouds are appearing more frequently as summer approaches.

Subversion is able substitute the $LastChangedDate$ string with the actual date in which this file last changed. The keyword string is not removed in the replacement, just the specific information is placed after the keyword string:

Here is the latest report from the front lines.
$LastChangedDate: 2002-07-22 21:42:37 -0700 (Mon, 22 Jul 2002) $
Cumulus clouds are appearing more frequently as summer approaches.

Subversion substitutes five keywords:

The last time this file changed. Can also be abbreviated as Date. The keyword substitution of $LastChangedDate$ will look something like $LastChangedDate: 2002-07-22 21:42:37 -0700 (Mon, 22 Jul 2002) $.
The last revision in which this file changed. Can be abbreviated as Rev. The keyword substitution of $LastChangedRevision will look something like $LastChangedRevision: 144 $.
The last user to change this file. Can be abbreviated as Author. The keyword substitution of $LastChangedBy$ will look something like $LastChangedBy: joe $.
A full URL to the latest version of the file in the repository. Can be abbreviated as URL. The keyword substitution of $HeadURL$ will look something like $HeadURL: $.
A compressed summary of the other keywords, for example: $Id: bar 148 2002-07-28 21:30:43 epg $. This means the file bar was last changed in revision 148 by committer epg, at 2002-07-28 21:30:43.

To activate a keyword, or set of keywords, you merely need to set the svn:keywords property to a list of keywords you want replaced. Keywords not listed in svn:keywords will not be replaced.

$ svn propset svn:keywords "Date Author" foo.c
property `svn:keywords' set on 'foo.c'

And when you commit this property change, you'll discover that all occurrences of $Date$, $LastChangedDate$, $Author$, and $LastChangedBy$ will have substituted values within foo.c.


By default, Subversion doesn't pay any attention to line endings. If a text file has either LF, CR, or CRLF endings, then those are the line endings that will exist on the file in both the repository and working copy.

But if developers are working on different platforms, line endings can sometimes become troublesome. For example, if a Win32 developer and Unix developer took turns modifying a file, its line endings might flip-flop back and forth from revision to revision in the repository. This makes examining or merging differences very difficult, as every line appears to be changed in each version of the file.

The solution here is to set the svn:eol-style property to "native". This makes the file always appear with the "native" line endings of each developer's operating system. Note, however, that the file will always contain LF endings in the repository. This prevents the line-ending "churn" from revision to revision.

Alternately, you can force files to always retain a fixed, specific line ending: set a file's svn:eol-style property to one of LF, CR or CRLF. A Win32 .dsp file, for example, which is used by Microsoft development tools, should always have CRLF endings.


See Modules.

Node:Modules, Next:, Previous:Properties, Up:Client Cookbook


Sometimes it's useful to construct a working copy that is made out of a number of different checkouts. For example, you may want different sub-directories to come from different locations in a repository.

On the one hand, you could begin by checking out a working copy, and then run svn switch on various subdirectories. But this is a bit of work. Wouldn't it be nice to define - in a single place - exactly how you want the final working copy to be?

This is known as a module. You can define a module by attaching another special "magic" svn: property to a directory: the svn:externals property.

The value of this property is a list of subdirectories and their corresponding URLs:

$ svn propget svn:externals projectdir
subdir1/foo       http://url.for.external.source/foo
subdir1/bar       http://blah.blah.blah/repositories/theirproj
subdir1/bar/baz   http://blorg.blorg.blorg/basement/code

Assuming that this property is attached to the directory projectdir, then when we check it out, we'll get everything else defined by the property.

$ svn checkout
A  projectdir/blah.c
A  projectdir/gloo.c
A  projectdir/trout.h
Checked out revision 128.

Fetching external item into projectdir/subdir1/foo
A  projectdir/subdir1/foo/rho.txt
A  projectdir/subdir1/foo/pi.txt
A  projectdir/subdir1/foo/tau.doc
Checked out revision 128.

By tweaking the value of the svn:externals property, the definition of the module can change over time, and subsequent calls to svn update will update working copies appropriately.

Node:Revisions, Next:, Previous:Modules, Up:Client Cookbook


As you may have noticed, many Subversion commands are able to process the -r switch. Here we describe some special ways to specify revisions.

The Subversion client understands a number of revision keywords. These keywords can be used instead of integer arguments to the -r switch, and are resolved into specific revision numbers:

The latest revision in the repository.
The "pristine" revision of an item in a working copy.
The last revision in which an item changed.
The revision just before the last revision in which an item changed. (Technically, COMMITTED - 1).

Here are some examples of revision keywords in action:

$ svn diff -r PREV:COMMITTED foo.c
# shows the last change committed to foo.c

$ svn log -r HEAD
# shows log message for the latest repository commit

$ svn diff -r HEAD
# compares your working file (with local mods) to the latest version
# in the repository.

$ svn diff -r BASE:HEAD foo.c
# compares your "pristine" foo.c (no local mods) with the latest version
# in the repository

$ svn log -r BASE:HEAD
# shows all commit logs since you last updated

$ svn update -r PREV foo.c
# rewinds the last change on foo.c.
# (foo.c's working revision is decreased.)

Node:Other Commands, Next:, Previous:Revisions, Up:Client Cookbook

Other Commands

svn cleanup

When Subversion modifies your working copy (or any information within .svn), it tries to do so as safely as possible. Before changing anything, it writes its intentions to a logfile, then executes the commands in the logfile. It's similar in design to a journaled filesystem; if the user hits Control-C or if the machine crashes, the logfiles are left lying around. By re-executing the logfiles, the work can complete, and your working copy can get itself back into a consistent state.

And this is exactly what svn cleanup does: it searches your working copy and re-runs any leftover logs, removing locks in the process. Use this command if Subversion ever tells you that some part of your working copy is "locked". Also, svn status will display an L next to locked items:

$ svn st
  L    ./somedir
M      ./somedir/foo.c

$ svn cleanup
$ svn st
M      ./somedir/foo.c

svn info

In general, we try to discourage users from directly reading the .svn/entries file used to track items. Instead, curiosity can be quelled by using the svn info to display most of the tracked information:

$ svn info client.texi
Path: client.texi
Name: client.texi
Revision: 2548
Node Kind: file
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: fitz
Last Changed Rev: 2545
Last Changed Date: 2002-07-15 23:03:54 -0500 (Mon, 15 Jul 2002)
Text Last Updated: 2002-07-16 08:48:04 -0500 (Tue, 16 Jul 2002)
Properties Last Updated: 2002-07-16 08:48:03 -0500 (Tue, 16 Jul 2002)
Checksum: 8sfaU+5dqyOgkhuSdyxGrQ==

svn import

The import command is a quick way to move an unversioned tree of files into a repository.

There are two ways to use this command:

$ svnadmin create /usr/local/svn/newrepos
$ svn import file:///usr/local/svn/newrepos mytree
Adding  mytree/foo.c
Adding  mytree/bar.c
Adding  mytree/subdir
Adding  mytree/subdir/quux.h
Transmitting file data....
Committed revision 1.

The above example places the contents of directory mytree directly into the root of the repository:


If you give svn import a third argument, it will use the argument as the name of a new subdirectory to create within the URL.

$ svnadmin create /usr/local/svn/newrepos
$ svn import file:///usr/local/svn/newrepos mytree fooproject
Adding  mytree/foo.c
Adding  mytree/bar.c
Adding  mytree/subdir
Adding  mytree/subdir/quux.h
Transmitting file data....
Committed revision 1.

The repository would now look like


svn export

The export command is a quick way to create an unversioned tree of files from a repository directory.

$ svn export file:///usr/local/svn/newrepos/fooproject
A  fooproject/foo.c
A  fooproject/bar.c
A  fooproject/subdir
A  fooproject/subdir/quux.h
Checked out revision 3.

The resulting directory will not contain any .svn administrative areas, and all property metadata will be lost. (Hint: don't use this tecnique for backing up; it's probably better for rolling source distributions.)

svn ls

The ls command lets you find what files are in a repository directory.

$ svn ls

If you want a more detailed listing, pass the -v flag and you will get output like this.

$ svn ls -v
_    2755   kfogel     1331 Jul 28 02:07 README
_    2773  sussman        0 Jul 29 15:07 branches/
_    2769 cmpilato        0 Jul 29 12:07 clients/
_    2698   rooneg        0 Jul 24 18:07 tags/
_    2785    brane        0 Jul 29 19:07 trunk/

The columns tell you if there file has any properties ("P" if it does, "_" if it doesn't), the revision it was last updated at, the user who last updated it, it's size, the date it was last updated, and the filename.

svn mkdir

This is another convenience command, and it has two uses.

First, it can be used to simultaneously create a new working copy directory and schedule it for addition:

$ svn mkdir new-dir
A     new-dir

Or, it can be used to instantly create a directory in a repository (no working copy needed):

$ svn mkdir file:///usr/local/svn/newrepos/branches -m "made new dir"
Committed revision 1123.

Again, this is a form of immediate commit, so some sort of log message is required.

Node:Run-time Configuration, Previous:Other Commands, Up:Client Cookbook

Run-time Configuration

When you first run the svn command-line client, it creates a per-user configuration area. On Unix-like systems, a .subversion/ directory is created in the user's home directory. On Win32 systems, a Subversion folder is created wherever it's appropriate to do so (typically somewhere within Documents and Settings\username, although it depends on the system.)


At the time of writing, the configuration area only contains one item: a proxies file. By setting values in this file, your Subversion client can operate through an http proxy. (Read the file itself for details; it should be self-documenting.)


Soon - very soon - a config file will exist in this area for defining general user preferences. For example, the preferred $EDITOR to use, options to pass through to svn diff, preferences for date/time formats, and so on. See issue #668 for details (

Multiple config areas

On Unix, an administrator can create"global" Subversion preferences by creating and populating an /etc/subversion/ area. The per-user ~/.subversion/ configuration will still override these defaults, however.

On Win32, an administrator has the option of creating three other locations: a global Subversion folder in the "All Users" area, a collection of global registry settings, or a collection of per-user registry settings. The registry settings are set in:


To clarify, here is the order Subversion searches for run-time settings on Win32. Each subsequent location overrides the previous one:

Node:Repository Administration, Next:, Previous:Client Cookbook, Up:Top

Repository Administration

How to administer a Subversion repository.

In this section, we'll mainly focus on how to use the svnadmin and svnlook programs to work with repositories.

Node:Creating a repository, Next:, Up:Repository Administration

Creating a repository

Creating a repository is incredibly simple:

$ svnadmin create path/to/myrepos

This creates a new repository in a subdirectory myrepos.

(Note that the svnadmin and svnlook programs operate directly on a repository, by linking to So these tools expect ordinary, local paths to the repositories. This is in contrast with the svn client program, which always accesses a repository via some URL, whether it be via <http://> or <file:///> schemas.)

A new repository always begins life at revision 0, which is defined to be nothing but the root (/) directory.

As mentioned earlier, repository revisions can have unversioned properties attached to them. In particular, every revision is created with a svn:date timestamp property. (Other common properties include svn:author and svn:log)

For a newly created repository, revision 0 has nothing but a svn:date property attached.

Here is a quick run-down of the anatomy of a repository:

$ ls myrepos
Currently unused; repository-side config files will go in here someday.
If the repository is being accessed by Apache and mod_dav_svn, some private housekeeping databases are stored here.
The main Berkeley DB environment, full of DB tables that comprise the data store for libsvn_fs. This is where all of your data is! In particular, most of your files' contents end up in the "strings" table. Logfiles accumulate here as well, so transactions can be recovered.
Where pre-commit and post-commit hook scripts live. (And someday, read-hooks.)
A single file lives here; repository readers and writers take out shared locks on this file. Do not remove this file.

Once the repository has been created, it's very likely that you'll want to use the svn client to import an initial tree. (Try svn help import, or See Other Commands.)

You may want to give your repository an initial directory structure that reflects the trunk, branches, and tags of your project(s) (See Branches and Tags.) You can do this via svn mkdir:

$ svnadmin create /path/to/repos
$ svn mkdir file:///path/to/repos/projectA -m 'Base dir for A'
Committed revision 1.

$ svn mkdir file:///path/to/repos/projectA/trunk -m 'Main dir for A'
Committed revision 2.

$ svn mkdir file:///path/to/repos/projectA/branches -m 'Branches for A'
Committed revision 3.

$ svn mkdir file:///path/to/repos/projectA/tags -m 'Tags for A'
Committed revision 4.

$ svn co file:///path/to/repos/projectA/trunk projectA
Checked out revision 4.

# ... now work on projectA ...

With svn import, you can create the structure with a single commit:

$ svnadmin create /path/to/repos
$ mkdir projectA
$ mkdir projectA/trunk
$ mkdir projectA/branches
$ mkdir projectA/tags
$ svn import file:///path/to/repos projectA projectA -m 'Dir layout for A'
Adding         projectA/trunk
Adding         projectA/branches
Adding         projectA/tags
Committed revision 1.

$ rm -rf projectA/
$ svn co file:///path/to/repos/projectA/trunk projectA
Checked out revision 1.

#  ... now work on projectA ...

Node:Examining a repository, Next:, Previous:Creating a repository, Up:Repository Administration

Examining a repository

Transactions and Revisions

A Subversion repository is essentially a sequence of trees; each tree is called a revision. (If this is news to you, it might be good for you to read Transactions and Revision Numbers.)

Every revision begins life as a transaction tree. When doing a commit, a client builds a transaction that mirrors their local changes, and when the commit succeeds, the transaction is effectively "promoted" into a new revision tree, and is assigned a new revision number.

At the moment, updates work in a similar way: the client builds a transaction tree that is a "mirror" of their working copy. The repository then compares the transaction tree with some revision tree, and sends back a tree-delta. After the update completes, the transaction is deleted.

Transaction trees are the only way to "write" to the repository's versioned filesystem; all users of libsvn_fs will do this. However, it's important to understand that the lifetime of a transaction is completely flexible. In the case of updates, transactions are temporary trees that are immediately destroyed. In the case of commits, transactions are transformed into permanent revisions (or aborted if the commit fails.) In the case of an error or bug, it's possible that a transaction can be accidentally left lying around - the libsvn_fs caller might die before deleting it. And in theory, someday whole workflow applications might revolve around the creation of transactions; they might be examined in turn by different managers before being deleted or promoted to revisions.

The point is: if you're administering a Subversion repository, you're going to have to examine revisions and transactions. It's part of monitoring the health of the repository.


svnlook is a read-only2 tool that can be used to examine the revision and transaction trees within a repository. It's useful for system administrators, and can be used by the pre-commit and post-commit hook scripts as well.

The simplest usage is

$ svnlook repos

This will print information about the HEAD revision in the repository "repos." In particular, it will show the log message, author, date, and a diagram of the tree.

To look at a particular revision or transaction:

$ svnlook repos rev 522
$ svnlook repos txn 340

Or, if you only want to see certain types of information, svnlook accepts a number of subcommands. For example,

$ svnlook repos rev 522 log
$ svnlook repos rev 559 diff

Available subcommands are:

Print the tree's log message.
Print the tree's author.
Print the tree's datestamp.
List the directories that changed in the tree.
List all files and directories that changed in the tree.
Print unified diffs of changed files.

the shell

The svnadmin tool has a toy "shell" mode as well. It doesn't do much, but it allows you to poke around the repository as if it were an imaginary mounted filesystem. The basic commands cd, ls, exit, and help are available, as well as the very special command cr - "change revision." The last command allows you to move between revision trees.

$ svnadmin shell repos
<609: />$
<609: />$ ls
  < 1.0.2i7>  [   601]  1           0    trunk/
  <nh.0.2i9>  [   588]  0           0    branches/
  <jz.0.18c>  [   596]  0           0    tags/

<609: />$ cd trunk
<609: /trunk>$ cr 500
<500: /trunk>$ ls
  <   2.0.1>  [     1]  0        3462    svn_config.dsp
  <>  [   487]  0        3856    PORTING
  <>  [   459]  0        7886
  <  d.0.ds>  [   496]  0        9736    build.conf
  <  5.0.d9>  [   477]  1           0    ac-helpers/
  <   y.0.1>  [     1]  0        1805    subversion.dsp
<500: />$ exit

The output of ls has only a few columns:


  < 1.0.2i7>  [   601]  1           0    trunk/
  <nh.0.2i9>  [   588]  0           0    branches/
  <jz.0.18c>  [   596]  0           0    tags/

Node:Repository hooks, Next:, Previous:Examining a repository, Up:Repository Administration

Repository hooks

A hook is a program triggered by a repository read or write access. The hook is handed enough information to tell what the action is, what target(s) it's operating on, and who is doing it. Depending on the hook's output or return status, the hook program may continue the action, stop it, or suspend it in some way.

Subversion's hooks are programs that live in the repository's hooks directory:

$ ls repos/hooks/
post-commit.tmpl*  read-sentinels.tmpl  write-sentinels.tmpl
pre-commit.tmpl*   start-commit.tmpl*

This is how the hooks directory appears after a repository is first created. It doesn't contain any hook programs - just templates.

The actual hooks need to be named start-commit, pre-commit and post-commit. The template (.tmpl) files are example shell scripts to get you started; read them for details about how each hook works. To make your own hook, just copy foo.tmpl to foo and edit.

(The read-sentinels and write-sentinels are not yet implemented. They are intended to be more like daemons than hooks. A sentinel is started up at the beginning of a user operation. The Subversion server communicates with the sentinel using a protocol yet to be defined. Depending on the sentinel's responses, Subversion may stop or otherwise modify the operation.)

Here is a description of the hook programs:

This is run before the committer's transaction is even created. It is typically used to decide if the user has commit privileges at all. The repository passes two arguments to this program: the path to the repository, and username which is attempting to commit. If the program returns a non-zero exit value, the commit is stopped before the transaction is even created.
This is run when the transaction is complete, but before it is committed. Typically, this hook is used to protect against commits that are disallowed due to content or location (for example, your site might require that all commits to a certain branch include a ticket number from the bug tracker, or that the incoming log message is non-empty.)3 The repository passes two arguments to this program: the path to the repository, and the name of the transaction being committed. If the program returns a non-zero exit value, the commit is aborted and transaction is removed.

The Subversion distribution includes a tools/hook-scripts/ script that can be called from pre-commit to implement fine-grained access control.

This is run after the transaction is committed, and we have a new revision. Most people use this hook to send out descriptive commit-emails or to make a hot-backup of the repository. The repository passes two arguments to this program: the path to the repository, and the new revision number that was created. The exit code of the program is ignored.

The Subversion distribution includes a tools/hook-scripts/ script that can be used to send out the differences applied in the commit to any number of email addresses. Also included is tools/backup/, which is a script that perform hot backups of your Subversion repository after every commit.

Note that the hooks must be executable by the user who will invoke them (commonly the user httpd runs as), and that same user needs to be able to access the repository.

The pre-commit and post-commit hooks need to know things about the change about to be committed (or that has just been committed). The solution is a standalone program, svnlook (See Examining a repository.) which was installed in the same place as the svn binary. Have the script use svnlook to examine a transaction or revision tree. It produces output that is both human- and machine-readable, so hook scripts can easily parse it. Note that svnlook is read-only - it can only inspect, not change the repository.

Node:Repository maintenance, Next:, Previous:Repository hooks, Up:Repository Administration

Repository maintenance

Berkeley DB management

At the time of writing, the subversion repository has only one database back-end: Berkeley DB. All of your filesystem's structure and data live in a set of tables within repos/db/.

Berkeley DB comes with a number of tools for managing these files, and they have their own excellent documentation. (See, or just read man pages.) We won't cover all of these tools here; rather, we'll mention just a few of the more common procedures that repository administrators might need.

First, remember that Berkeley DB has genuine transactions. Every attempt to change the DB is first logged. If anything ever goes wrong, the DB can back itself up to a previous `checkpoint' and replay transactions to get the data back into a sane state.

In our experience, we have seen situations where a bug in Subversion (which causes a crash) can sometimes have a side-effect of leaving the DB environment in a `locked' state. Any further attempts to read or write to the repository just sit there, waiting on the lock.

To `unwedge' the repository:

  1. Shut down the Subversion server, to make sure nobody is accessing the repository's Berkeley DB files.
  2. Switch to the user who owns and manages the database.
  3. Run the command db_recover -v -h repos/db, where repos is the repository's directory name. You should see output like this:
    db_recover: Finding last valid log LSN: file: 40 offset 4080873
    db_recover: Checkpoint at: [40][4080333]
    db_recover: Checkpoint LSN: [40][4080333]
    db_recover: Previous checkpoint: [40][4079793]
    db_recover: Checkpoint at: [40][4079793]
    db_recover: Checkpoint LSN: [40][4079793]
    db_recover: Previous checkpoint: [40][4078761]
    db_recover: Recovery complete at Sun Jul 14 07:15:42 2002
    db_recover: Maximum transaction id 80000000 Recovery checkpoint [40][4080333]
    Make sure that the db_recover program you invoke is the one distributed with the same version of Berkeley DB you're using in your Subversion server.
  4. Restart the Subversion server.

Make sure you run this command as the user that owns and manages the database -- typically your Apache process -- and not as root. Running db_recover as root leaves files owned by root in the db directory, which the non-root user that manages the database cannot open. If you do this, you'll get "permission denied" error messages when you try to access the repository.

Second, a repository administrator may need to manage the growth of logfiles. At any given time, the DB environment is using at least one logfile to log transactions; when the `current' logfile grows to 10 megabytes, a new logfile is started, and the old one continues to exist.

Thus, after a while, you may see a whole group of 1MB logfiles lying around the environment. At this point, you can make a choice: if you leave every single logfile behind, it's guaranteed that db_recover will always be able to replay every single DB transaction, all the way back to the first commit. (This is the `safe', or perhaps paranoid, route.) On the other hand, you can ask Berkeley DB to tell you which logfiles are no longer being actively written to:

$ db_archive -a -h repos/db

Subversion's own repository uses a post-commit hook script, which, after performing a `hot-backup' of the repository, removes these excess logfiles. (In the Subversion source tree, see tools/backup/

This script also illustrates the safe way to perform a backup of the repository while it's still up and running: recursively copy the entire repository directory, then re-copy the logfiles listed by db_archive -l.

To start using a repository backup that you've restored, be sure to run db_recover -v command in the db area first. This guarantees that any unfinished log transactions are fully played before the repository goes live again. (The script does that for you during backup, so you can skip this step if you decide to use it.)

Finally, note that Berkeley DB has a whole locking subsystem; in extremely intensive svn operations, we have seen situations where the DB environment runs out of locks. The maximum number of locks can be adjusted by changing the values in the repos/db/DB_CONFIG file. Don't change the default values unless you know what you're doing; be sure to read first.

Tweaking with svnadmin

The svnadmin tool has some subcommands that are specifically useful to repository administrators. Be careful with svnadmin! Unlike svnlook, which is read-only, svnadmin has the ability to modify the repository.

The most-used feature is probably svnadmin setlog. A commit's log message is an unversioned property directly attached to the revision object; there's only one log message per revision. Sometimes a user screws up the message, and it needs to be replaced:

$ echo "Here is the new, correct log message" > newlog.txt
$ svnadmin setlog myrepos 388 newlog.txt

There's a nice CGI script in tools/cgi/ that allows people (with commit-access passwords) to tweak existing log messages via web browser.

Another common use of svnadmin is to inspect and clean up old, dead transactions. Commits and updates both create transaction trees, but occasionally a bug or crash can leave them lying around. By inspecting the datestamp on a transaction, an administrator can make a judgment call and remove it:

$ svnadmin lstxns myrepos
$ svnadmin lstxns --long myrepos
Transaction 319
Created: 2002-07-14T12:57:22.748388Z
$ svnadmin rmtxns myrepos 319 321

Another useful subcommand: svnadmin undeltify. Remember that the latest version of each file is stored as fulltext in the repository, but that earlier revisions of files are stored as "deltas" against each next-most-recent revisions. When a user attempts to access an earlier revision, the repository must apply a sequence of backwards-deltas to the newest fulltexts in order to derive the older data.

If a particular revision tree is extremely popular, the administrator can speed up the access time to this tree by "undeltifying" any path within the revision - that is, by converting every file to fulltext:

$ svnadmin undeltify myrepos 230 /project/tags/release-1.3
Undeltifying `/project/tags/release-1.3' in revision 230...done.

Node:Networking a repository, Next:, Previous:Repository maintenance, Up:Repository Administration

Networking a repository

Okay, so now you have a repository, and you want to make it available over a network.

Subversion's primary network server is Apache httpd speaking WebDAV/deltaV protocol, which is a set of extension methods to http. (For more information on DAV, see

To network your repository, you'll need to

You can accomplish the first two items by either building httpd and Subversion from source code, or by installing a binary packages on your system. The second appendix of this document contains more detailed instructions on doing this. (See Compiling and installing.) Instructions are also available in the INSTALL file in Subversion's source tree.

In this section, we focus on configuring your httpd.conf.

Somewhere near the bottom of your configuration file, define a new Location block:

<Location /repos/myrepo>
   DAV svn
   SVNPath /absolute/path/to/myrepo

This now makes your myrepo repository available at the URL <http://hostname/repos/myrepo>.

Alternately, you can use the SVNParentPath directive to indicate a "parent" directory whose immediate subdirectories are are assumed to be independent repositories:

<Location /repos>
   DAV svn
   SVNParentPath /absolute/path/to/parent/dir

If you were to run svnadmin create foorepo within this parent directory, then the url <http://hostname/repos/foorepo> would automatically be accessible without having to change httpd.conf or restart httpd.

Note that this simple <Location> setup starts life with no access restrictions at all:

If you want to restrict either read or write access to a repository as a whole, you can use Apache's built-in access control features.

First, create an empty file that will hold httpd usernames and passwords. Place names and crypted passwords into this file like so:


You can generate the crypted passwords by using the standard crypt(3) command, or using the htpasswd tool supplied in Apache's bin directory:

$ /usr/local/apache2/bin/htpasswd -n sussman
New password:
Re-type new password:

Next, add lines within your <Location> block that point to the user file:

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Subversion repository"
AuthUserFile /path/to/users/file

If you want to restrict all access to the repository, add one more line:

Require valid-user

This line make Apache require user authentication for every single type of http request to your repository.

To restrict write-access only, you need to require a valid user for all request methods except those that are read-only:

   Require valid-user

Or, if you want to get fancy, you can create two separate user files, one for readers, and one for writers:

AuthGroupFile /my/svn/group/file

   Require group svn_committers

   Require group svn_committers
   Require group svn_readers

These are only a few simple examples. For a complete tutorial on Apache access control, please consider taking a look at the "Security" tutorials found at

Another note: in order for svn cp to work (which is actually implemented as a DAV COPY request), mod_dav needs to be able to be able to determine the hostname of the server. A standard way of doing this is to use Apache's ServerName directive to set the server's hostname. Edit your httpd.conf to include:


If you are using virtual hosting through Apache's NameVirtualHost directive, you may need to use the ServerAlias directive to specify additional names that your server is known by.

(If you are unfamiliar with an Apache directive, or not exactly sure about what it does, don't hesitate to look it up in the documentation:

You can test your exported repository by firing up httpd:

$ /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl stop
$ /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start

Check /usr/local/apache2/logs/error_log to make sure it started up okay. Try doing a network checkout from the repository:

$ svn co http://localhost/repos wc

The most common reason this might fail is permission problems reading the repository db files. Make sure that the user "nobody" (or whatever UID the httpd process runs as) has permission to read and write the Berkeley DB files! This is a very common problem.

You can see all of mod_dav_svn's complaints in the Apache error logfile, /usr/local/apache2/logs/error_log, or wherever you installed Apache. For more information about tracing problems, see "Debugging the server" in the HACKING file.

Node:Migrating a repository, Next:, Previous:Networking a repository, Up:Repository Administration

Migrating a repository

Sometimes special situations arise where you need to move all of your filesystem data from one repository to another. Perhaps the internal fs database schema has changed in some way in a new release of Subversion, or perhaps you'd like to start using a different database "back end".

Either way, your data needs to be migrated to a new repository. To do this, we have the svnadmin dump and svnadmin load commands.

svnadmin dump writes a stream of your repository's data to stdout:

$ svnadmin dump myrepos > dumpfile
* Dumped revision 0.
* Dumped revision 1.
* Dumped revision 2.

This stream describes every revision in your repository as a list of changes to nodes. It's mostly human-readable text; but when a file's contents change, the entire fulltext is dumped into the stream. If you have binary files or binary property-values in your repository, those parts of the stream may be unfriendly to human readers.

After dumping your data, you would then move the file to a different system (or somehow alter the environment to use a different version of svnadmin and/or, and create a "new"-style repository that has a new schema or DB back-end:

$ svnadmin create newrepos

The svnadmin load command attempts to read a dumpstream from stdin, and effectively replays each commit:

$ svnadmin load newrepos < dumpfile
<<< Started new txn, based on original revision 1
     * adding path : A ... done.
     * adding path : A/B ... done.
------- Committed new rev 1 (loaded from original rev 1) >>>

<<< Started new txn, based on original revision 2
     * editing path : A/mu ... done.
     * editing path : A/D/G/rho ... done.

------- Committed new rev 2 (loaded from original rev 2) >>>

Voila, your revisions have been recommitted into the new repository.

And because svnadmin uses standand input and output streams for the repository dump and load process, people who are feeling saucy with Unix can try things like this:

$ svnadmin create newrepos
$ svnadmin dump myrepos | svnadmin load newrepos

Partial dump/load

You can also create a dumpfile that represents a specific range of revisions. svnadmin dump takes optional starting and ending revisions to accomplish just that task.

$ svnadmin dump myrepos 23 > rev-23.dumpfile
$ svnadmin dump myrepos 100 200 > revs-100-200.dumpfile

Now, regardless of the range of revisions used when dumping the repository, the default behavior is for the first revision dumped to always be compared against revision 0, which is just the empty root directory /. This means that the first revision in any dumpfile will always look like a gigantic list of "added" nodes. We do this so that a file like revs-100-200.dumpfile can be directly loaded into an empty repository.

However, if you add the --incremental option when you dump your repository, this tells svnadmin to compare the first dumped revision against the previous revision in the repository, the same way it treats every other revision that gets dumped. The benefit of this is that you can create several small dumpfiles that can be loaded in succession, instead of one large one, like so:

$ svnadmin dump myrepos 0 1000 > dumpfile1
$ svnadmin dump myrepos 1001 2000 --incremental > dumpfile2
$ svnadmin dump myrepos 2001 3000 --incremental > dumpfile3

These dumpfiles could be loaded into a new repository with the following command sequence:

$ svnadmin load newrepos < dumpfile1
$ svnadmin load newrepos < dumpfile2
$ svnadmin load newrepos < dumpfile3

Another neat trick you can perform with this --incremental option involves appending to an existing dumpfile a new range of revisions. For example, you might have a post-commit hook that simply appends the repository dump of the single revision that triggered the hook. Or you might have a script like the following that runs nightly to append dumpfile data for all the revisions that were added to the repository since the last time the script ran.


$repos_path  = '/path/to/repos';
$dumpfile    = '/usr/backup/svn-dumpfile';
$last_dumped = '/var/log/svn-last-dumped';

# Figure out the starting revision (0 if we cannot read the last-dumped file,
# else use the revision in that file incremented by 1).
if (open LASTDUMPED, "$last_dumped")
    $new_start = <LASTDUMPED>;
    chomp $new_start;
    close LASTDUMPED;
    $new_start = 0;

# Query the youngest revision in the repos.
$youngest = `svnadmin youngest $repos_path`;
chomp $youngest;

# Do the backup.
`svnadmin dump $repos_path $new_start $youngest --incremental >> $dumpfile`;

# Store a new last-dumped revision
open LASTDUMPED, "> $last_dumped" or die;
print LASTDUMPED "$youngest\n";

# All done!

As you can see, the Subversion repository dumpfile format, and specifically svnadmin's use of that format, can be a valuable means by which to backup changes to your repository over time in case of a system crash or some other catastrophic event.

Node:WebDAV, Previous:Migrating a repository, Up:Repository Administration


Subversion uses WebDAV (Distributed Authoring and Versioning) as its primary network protocol, and here we discuss what this means to you, both present and future.

WebDAV was designed to make the web into a read/write medium, instead of a read-only medium (as it mainly exists today.) The theory is that directories and files can be shared over the web, using standardized extensions to HTTP. RFC 2518 describes the WebDAV extensions to HTTP, and is available (along with a lot of other useful information) at

Already, a number of operating system file-browsers are able to mount networked directories using WebDAV. On Win32, the Windows Explorer can browse what it calls "WebFolders", just like any other share. Mac OS X also has this capability, as does the Nautilus browser for GNOME.

However, RFC 2518 doesn't fully implement the "versioning" aspect of WebDAV. A separate committee has created RFC 3253, known as the DeltaV extensions to WebDAV, available at These extensions add version-control concepts to HTTP, and this is what Subversion uses.

It's important to understand that while Subversion uses DeltaV for communication, the Subversion client is not a general-purpose DeltaV client. In fact, it expects some custom features from the server. Further, the Subversion server is not a general-purpose DeltaV server. It implements a strict subset of the DeltaV specification. A WebDAV or DeltaV client may very well be able to interoperate with it, but only if that client operates within the narrow confines of those features the server has implemented. Future versions of Subversion will address more complete WebDAV interoperability.

At the moment, most DAV browsers and clients do not yet support DeltaV; this means that a Subversion repository can viewed or mounted only as a read-only resource. (An HTTP "PUT" request is valid when sent to a WebDAV-only server, but a DeltaV server such as mod_dav_svn will not allow it. The client must use special version-control methods to write to the server.) And on the flip side, a Subversion client cannot checkout a working copy from a generic WebDAV server; it expects a specific subset of DeltaV features.

For a detailed description of Subversion's WebDAV implementation, see

Node:Best Practices, Next:, Previous:Repository Administration, Up:Top

Best Practices

Tips to use Subversion more effectively.

In this chapter, we'll focus on how to avoid some pitfalls of version control systems in general and Subversion specifically.

Node:Source code formatting, Next:, Up:Best Practices

Source code formatting

Subversion diffs and merges text files work on a line-by-line basis. They don't understand the syntax of programming languages or even know when you've just reflowed text to a different line width.

Given this design, it's important to avoid unnecessary reformatting. It creates unnecessary conflicts when merging branches, updating working copies, and applying patches. It also can drown you in noise when viewing differences between revisions.

You can avoid these problems by following clearly-defined formatting rules. The Subversion project's own HACKING document and the Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language are good examples.

Tabs are particularly important. Some projects, like Subversion, do not use tabs at all in the source tree. Others always use them and define a particular tab size.

It can be very helpful to have an editor smart enough to help adhere to these rules. For example, vim can do this on a per-project basis with .vimrc commands like the following:

autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile */rapidsvn/*.{cpp,h}
    setlocal ts=4 noexpandtab
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile */subversion/*.[ch]
    setlocal sw=2 expandtab cinoptions=>2sn-s{s^-s:s

Check your favorite editor's documentation for more information.

When you have to reformat

In the real world, we're not always so perfect. Formatting preferences may change over time, or we may just make mistakes. There are things you can do to minimize the problems of reformatting.

These are good guidelines to follow:

Here's an example of a sweeping reformat:

$ svn co file:///repo/path/trunk indent_wc
$ indent -gnu indent_wc/src/*.[ch]
$ svn commit -m 'Ran indent -gnu src/*.[ch]' indent_wc

This follows all rules: there were no semantic changes mixed in (no files were changed other than through indent). The indent commandline was given, so the changes can be very easily duplicated. All the reformatting was done in a single revision.

Let's say these changes occurred to the trunk at revision 26. The head revision is now 42. You created a branch at revision 13 and now want to merge it back into the trunk. Ordinarily you'd do this:

$ svn co file://repo/path/trunk merge_wc
$ svn merge -r 13:head file://repo/path/branches/mybranch merge_wc
... # resolve conflicts
$ svn commit -m 'Merged branch'

But with the reformatting changes, there will be many, many conflicts. If you follow these rules, you can merge more easily:

$ svn co -r 25 file://repo/path/trunk merge_wc
$ svn merge -r 13:head file://repo/path/branches/mybranch merge_wc
... # resolve conflicts
$ indent -gnu src/*.[ch]
$ svn up
... # resolve conflicts
$ svn commit -m 'Merged branch'

In English, the procedure is:

Ignoring whitespace differences

When viewing differences between revisions, you can customize svn diff output to hide whitespace changes. The -x argument passes arguments through to GNU diff. Here are some useful arguments:

Ignore differences in whitespace only.
Ignore added/removed blank lines.
Ignore changes in case.
Expand tabs to spaces to preserve alignment.
Output a tab rather than a space at the beginning of each line to start on a tab stop.

The commit emails always show whitespace-only changes. uses svnlook diff to get differences, which doesn't support the -x option.

Line endings

Different platforms (Unix, Windows, MacOS) have different conventions for marking the line endings of text files. Simple editors may rewrite line endings, causing problems with diff and merge. This is a subset of the formatting problems.

Subversion has built-in support for normalizing line endings. To enable it, set the svn:eol-style property to "native". See Properties.

Node:When you commit, Previous:Source code formatting, Up:Best Practices

When you commit

It pays to take some time before you commit to review your changes and create an appropriate log message. You are publishing the newly changed project anew every time you commit. This is true in two senses:

If you later don't like your log message, it is possible to change it. The svnadmin setlog command will do this locally. You can set up the tweak-log.cgi script to allow the same thing remotely. All the same, creating a good log message beforehand helps clarify your thoughts and avoid committing a mistake.

You should run a svn diff before each commit and ask yourself:

Defining a log entry policy is also helpful -- the Subversion HACKING document is a good model. If you always embed filenames, function names, etc. then you can easily search through the logs with

You may want to write the log entry as you go. It's common to create a file changes with your log entry in progress. When you commit, use svn ci -F changes.

If you do not write log entries as you go, you can generate an initial log entry file using the output of svn status which contains a list of all modified files and directories and write a comment for each one.

Binary files

Subversion does not have any way to merge or view differences of binary files, so it's critical that these have accurate log messages. Since you can't review your changes with svn diff immediately before committing, it's a particularly good idea to write the log entry as you go.

Node:Appendices, Previous:Best Practices, Up:Top


A number of other useful documents relevant to Subversion.

Node:SVN for CVS users, Next:, Up:Appendices

SVN for CVS users

This document is meant to be a quick-start guide for CVS users new to Subversion. It's not a substitute for real documentation and manuals; but it should give you a quick conceptual "diff" when switching over.

The goal of Subversion is to take over the current and future CVS user base. Subversion not only includes new features, but attempts to fix certain "broken" behaviors that CVS had. This means that you may be encouraged to break certain habits - ones that you forgot were odd to begin with.

Node:Revision numbers are different now, Next:, Up:SVN for CVS users

Revision numbers are different now

In CVS, revision numbers are per-file. This is because CVS uses RCS as a backend; each file has a corresponding RCS file in the repository, and the repository is roughly laid out according to structure of your project tree.

In Subversion, the repository looks like a single filesystem. Each commit results in an entirely new filesystem tree; in essence, the repository is an array of trees. Each of these trees is labeled with a single revision number. When someone talks about "revision 54," they're talking about a particular tree (and indirectly, the way the filesystem looked after the 54th commit).

Technically, it's not valid to talk about "revision 5 of foo.c". Instead, one would say "foo.c as it appears in revision 5." Also, be careful when making assumptions about the evolution of a file. In CVS, revisions 5 and 6 of foo.c are always different. In Subversion, it's most likely that foo.c did *not* change between revisions 5 and 6.

Node:More disconnected operations, Next:, Previous:Revision numbers are different now, Up:SVN for CVS users

More disconnected operations

In recent years, disk space has become outrageously cheap and abundant, but network bandwidth has not. Therefore, the Subversion working copy has been optimized around the scarcer resource.

The .svn administrative directory serves the same purpose as the CVS directory, except that it also stores "pristine" copies of files. This allows you to do many things off-line:

This last subcommand is new; it will not only remove local mods, but it will un-schedule operations such as adds and deletes. It's the preferred way to revert a file; running rm file; svn up will still work, but it blurs the purpose of updating. And, while we're on this subject...

Node:Distinction between status and update, Next:, Previous:More disconnected operations, Up:SVN for CVS users

Distinction between status and update

In Subversion, we've tried to erase a lot of the confusion between the status and update subcommands.

The status command has two purposes: (1) to show the user any local modifications in the working copy, and (2) to show the user which files are out-of-date. Unfortunately, because of CVS's hard-to-read output, many CVS users don't take advantage of this command at all. Instead, they've developed a habit of running cvs up to quickly see their mods. Of course, this has the side effect of merging repository changes that you may not be ready to deal with!

With Subversion, we've tried to remove this muddle by making the output of svn status easy to read for humans and parsers. Also, svn update only prints information about files that are updated, not local modifications.

Here's a quick guide to svn status. We encourage all new Subversion users to use it early and often:

The status command has two output formats. In the default "short" format, local modifications look like this:

    % svn status
    M     ./foo.c
    M     ./bar/baz.c

If you specify either the -u or -v switch, a "long" format is used:

    % svn status
    M             1047    ./foo.c
    _      *      1045    ./faces.html
    _      *         -    ./bloo.png
    M             1050    ./bar/baz.c
    Head revision:   1066

In this case, two new columns appear. The second column contains an asterisk if the file or directory is out-of-date. The third column shows the working-copy's revision number of the item. In the example above, the asterisk indicates that faces.html would be patched if we updated, and that bloo.png is a newly added file in the repository. (The - next to bloo.png means that it doesn't yet exist in the working copy.)

Lastly, here's a quick summary of status codes that you may see:

   A    Add
   D    Delete
   R    Replace  (delete, then re-add)
   M    local Modification
   U    Updated
   G    merGed
   C    Conflict

Subversion has combined the CVS P and U codes into just U. When a merge or conflict occurs, Subversion simply prints G or C, rather than a whole sentence about it.

Node:Meta-data properties, Next:, Previous:Distinction between status and update, Up:SVN for CVS users

Meta-data properties

A new feature of Subversion is that you can attach arbitrary metadata to files and directories. We refer to this data as properties, and they can be thought of as collections of name/value pairs (hashtables) attached to each item in your working copy.

To set or get a property name, use the svn propset and svn propget subcommands. To list all properties on an object, use svn proplist.

For more information, See Properties.

Node:Directory versions, Next:, Previous:Meta-data properties, Up:SVN for CVS users

Directory versions

Subversion tracks tree structures, not just file contents. It's one of the biggest reasons Subversion was written to replace CVS.

Here's what this means to you:

Let's talk more about that last point. Directory versioning is a Hard Problem. Because we want to allow mixed-revision working copies, there are some limitations on how far we can abuse this model.

From a theoretical point of view, we define "revision 5 of directory foo" to mean a specific collection of directory-entries and properties. Now suppose we start adding and removing files from foo, and then commit. It would be a lie to say that we still have revision 5 of foo. However, if we bumped foo's revision number after the commit, that would be a lie too; there may be other changes to foo we haven't yet received, because we haven't updated yet.

Subversion deals with this problem by quietly tracking committed adds and deletes in the .svn area. When you eventually run svn update, all accounts are settled with the repository, and the directory's new revision number is set correctly. Therefore, only after an update is it truly safe to say that you have a "perfect" revision of a directory. Most of the time, your working copy will contain "imperfect" directory revisions.

Similarly, a problem arises if you attempt to commit property changes on a directory. Normally, the commit would bump the working directory's local revision number. But again, that would be a lie, because there may be adds or deletes that the directory doesn't yet have, because no update has happened. Therefore, you are not allowed to commit property-changes on a directory unless the directory is up-to-date.

For more specific examples and discussion: See Directory versioning.

Node:Conflicts, Next:, Previous:Directory versions, Up:SVN for CVS users


CVS marks conflicts with in-line "conflict markers", and prints a C during an update. Historically, this has caused problems. Many users forget about (or don't see) the C after it whizzes by on their terminal. They often forget that the conflict-markers are even present, and then accidentally commit garbaged files.

Subversion solves this problem by making conflicts more tangible. Read about it: See Basic Work Cycle. In particular, read the section about "Merging others' changes".

Node:Binary files, Next:, Previous:Conflicts, Up:SVN for CVS users

Binary files

CVS users have to mark binary files with -kb flags, to prevent data from being munged (due to keyword expansion and line-ending translations). They sometimes forget to do this.

Subversion examines the svn:mime-type property to decide if a file is text or binary. If the file has no svn:mime-type property, Subversion assumes it is text. If the file has the svn:mime-type property set to anything other than text/*, it assumes the file is binary.

Subversion also helps users by running a binary-detection algorithm in the svn import and svn add subcommands. These subcommands will make a good guess and then (possibly) set a binary svn:mime-type property on the file being added. (If Subversion guesses wrong, you can always remove or hand-edit the property.)

As in CVS, binary files are not subject to keyword expansion or line-ending conversions. Also, when a binary file is "merged" during update, no real merge occurs. Instead, Subversion creates two files side-by-side in your working copy; the one containing your local modifications is renamed with an .orig extension.

Node:Authorization, Next:, Previous:Binary files, Up:SVN for CVS users


Unlike CVS, SVN can handle anonymous and authorized users in the same repository. There is no need for an anonymous user or a separate repository. If the SVN server requests authorization when committing, the client should prompt you for your authorization (password).

Node:Versioned Modules, Next:, Previous:Authorization, Up:SVN for CVS users

Versioned Modules

Unlike CVS, a Subversion working copy is aware that it has checked out a module. That means that if somebody changes the definition of a module, then a call to svn up will update the working copy appropriately.

Subversion defines modules as a list of directories within a directory property. See Modules.

Node:Branches and tags, Previous:Versioned Modules, Up:SVN for CVS users

Branches and tags

Subversion doesn't distinguish between filesystem space and "branch" space; branches and tags are ordinary directories within the filesystem. This is probably the single biggest mental hurdle a CVS user will need to climb. Read all about it: See Branches and Tags.

Node:Directory versioning, Next:, Previous:SVN for CVS users, Up:Appendices

Directory versioning

"The three cardinal virtues of a master technologist are: laziness, impatience, and hubris." - Larry Wall

This appendix describes some of the theoretical pitfalls around the (possibly arrogant) notion that one can simply version directories just as one versions files.

Directory Revisions

To begin, recall that the Subversion repository is an array of trees. Each tree represents the application of a new atomic commit, and is called a revision. This is very different from a CVS repository, which stores file histories in a collection of RCS files (and doesn't track tree-structure.)

So when we refer to "revision 4 of foo.c" (written foo.c:4) in CVS, this means the fourth distinct version of foo.c - but in Subversion this means "the version of foo.c in the fourth revision (tree)". It's quite possible that foo.c has never changed at all since revision 1! In other words, in Subversion, different revision numbers of the same versioned item do not imply different contents.

Nevertheless, the contents of foo.c:4 is still well-defined. The file foo.c in revision 4 has a specific text and properties.

Suppose, now, that we extend this concept to directories. If we have a directory DIR, define DIR:N to be "the directory DIR in the fourth revision." The contents are defined to be a particular set of directory entries (dirents) and properties.

So far, so good. The concept of versioning directories seems fine in the repository - the repository is very theoretically pure anyway. However, because working copies allow mixed revisions, it's easy to create problematic use-cases.

The Lagging Directory


Suppose our working copy has directory DIR:1 containing file foo:1, along with some other files. We remove foo and commit.

Already, we have a problem: our working copy still claims to have DIR:1. But on the repository, revision 1 of DIR is defined to contain foo - and our working copy DIR clearly does not have it anymore. How can we truthfully say that we still have DIR:1?

One answer is to force DIR to be updated when we commit foo's deletion. Assuming that our commit created revision 2, we would immediately update our working copy to DIR:2. Then the client and server would both agree that DIR:2 does not contain foo, and that DIR:2 is indeed exactly what is in the working copy.

This solution has nasty, un-user-friendly side effects, though. It's likely that other people may have committed before us, possibly adding new properties to DIR, or adding a new file bar. Now pretend our committed deletion creates revision 5 in the repository. If we instantly update our local DIR to 5, that means unexpectedly receiving a copy of bar and some new propchanges. This clearly violates a UI principle: "the client will never change your working copy until you ask it to." Committing changes to the repository is a server-write operation only; it should not modify your working data!

Another solution is to do the naive thing: after committing the deletion of foo, simply stop tracking the file in the .svn administrative directory. The client then loses all knowledge of the file.

But this doesn't work either: if we now update our working copy, the communication between client and server is incorrect. The client still believes that it has DIR:1 - which is false, since a "true" DIR:1 contains foo. The client gives this incorrect report to the repository, and the repository decides that in order to update to revision 2, foo must be deleted. Thus the repository sends a bogus (or at least unnecessary) deletion command.


After deleting foo and committing, the file is not totally forgotten by the .svn directory. While the file is no longer considered to be under revision control, it is still secretly remembered as having been `deleted'.

When the user updates the working copy, the client correctly informs the server that the file is already missing from its local DIR:1; therefore the repository doesn't try to re-delete it when patching the client up to revision 2.

The Overeager Directory


Again, suppose our working copy has directory DIR:1 containing file foo:1, along with some other files.

Now, unbeknownst to us, somebody else adds a new file bar to this directory, creating revision 2 (and DIR:2).

Now we add a property to DIR and commit, which creates revision 3. Our working-copy DIR is now marked as being at revision 3.

Of course, this is false; our working copy does not have DIR:3, because the "true" DIR:3 on the repository contains the new file bar. Our working copy has no knowledge of bar at all.

Again, we can't follow our commit of DIR with an automatic update (and addition of bar). As mentioned previously, commits are a one-way write operation; they must not change working copy data.


Let's enumerate exactly those times when a directory's local revision number changes:

In this light, it's clear that our "overeager directory" problem only happens in the second situation - those times when we're committing directory propchanges.

Thus the answer is simply not to allow property-commits on directories that are out-of-date. It sounds a bit restrictive, but there's no other way to keep directory revisions accurate.

User impact

Really, the Subversion client seems to have two difficult--almost contradictory--goals.

First, it needs to make the user experience friendly, which generally means being a bit "sloppy" about deciding what a user can or cannot do. This is why it allows mixed-revision working copies, and why it tries to let users execute local tree-changing operations (delete, add, move, copy) in situations that aren't always perfectly, theoretically "safe" or pure.

Second, the client tries to keep the working copy in correctly in sync with the repository using as little communication as possible. Of course, this is made much harder by the first goal!

So in the end, there's a tension here, and the resolutions to problems can vary. In one case (the "lagging directory"), the problem can be solved through a bit of clever entry tracking in the client. In the other case ("the overeager directory"), the only solution is to restrict some of the theoretical laxness allowed by the client.

Node:Compiling and installing, Next:, Previous:Directory versioning, Up:Appendices

Compiling and installing

The latest instructions for compiling and installing Subversion (and httpd-2.0) are maintained in the INSTALL file at the top of the Subversion source tree.

In general, you should also be able to find the latest version of this file by grabbing it directly from Subversion's own repository:

Node:Quick reference sheet, Next:, Previous:Compiling and installing, Up:Appendices

Quick reference sheet

A latex quick-reference sheet exists on Subversion's website for download, which is compiled from the source file in doc/user/svn-ref.tex directory. Any volunteers to rewrite it here in texinfo?

Node:FAQ, Next:, Previous:Quick reference sheet, Up:Appendices


The main FAQ for the project can viewed directly in Subversion's repository:

Node:Contributing, Next:, Previous:FAQ, Up:Appendices


For a full description of how to contribute to Subversion, read the HACKING file at the top of Subversion's source tree. It's also available at

In a nutshell: Subversion behaves like many open-source projects. One begins by participating in discussion on mailing lists, then by submitting patches for review. Eventually, rights are granted direct commit access to the repository.

Node:License, Previous:Contributing, Up:Appendices


Copyright © 2002 Collab.Net. All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by CollabNet (http://www.Collab.Net/)." Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.
  4. The hosted project names must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact
  5. Products derived from this software may not use the "Tigris" name nor may "Tigris" appear in their names without prior written permission of CollabNet.

This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals on behalf of CollabNet.


  1. For example: the C routine `svn_client_checkout()' takes a URL as an argument. It passes this URL to the repository-access library and opens an authenticated session with a particular repository. It then asks the repository for a certain tree, and sends this tree into the working-copy library, which then writes a full working copy to disk (.svn directories and all.)

  2. Why read-only? Because if a pre-commit hook script changed the transaction before commit, the working copy would have no way of knowing what happened, and would therefore be out of sync and not know it. Subversion currently has no way to handle this situation, and maybe never will.

  3. At this time, this is the only method by which users can implement finer-grained access control beyond what httpd.conf offers. In a future version of Subversion, we plan to implement ACLs directly in the filesystem.