From recent to old...
  • Added web logs by webalizer.

  • Renamed the site The old name will continue to work for the next year or so, but eventually it will go away.

  • Created the on-line database for RBC.

  • Added a few movies from what used to be AdCritic.

  • Got a fancy new scanner. Watch for lots of new pictures on the Albums pages in the near future.

  • Added the Romanian and English bibles online along with searching and hyperlinked capabilities. See the Bible page for details.

  • WTC Presentation by SB added.

  • Albums
    Decided to personalize the site a bit. Some random pictures as well as a set of wedding pictures from the second photographer at our wedding can be found on the albums page.

  • Documentation
    Lots of documentation was added. Mostly accessible from priviledged hosts only, but some is accessible from anywhere.

  • Design
    We've redesigned the whole site. Hope you enjoy the new format